Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Islam and Middle Age peace?

Read this book entitled "Judgement Day" by Dave Hunt (2006)and this is what I gathered....

Islam establishes itself on the principle of “Might makes Right”.

Islam means “submission” even though it is by force. "Islam is a religion of peace. And if you refuse to admit that, I will kill you to prove it!"

Ka’aba was an idol temple filled with some 360 images representing the various tribal deities. Allah (Al-ilah, literally the chief God) is the chief of the idols in the Ka’aba. Muhammad fled Mecca for Yathrib (now Medina) or the journey now known as hijrah as he faced opposition to his “revelations’ and had very few followers. He later regained power in Medina and 8 years later, returned in triumph as the conqueror o f Mecca.

The Haj was not initiated by Prophet Muhammad but it had been the ancient pagan ritual of annual pilgrimage to the idols-filled Ka’aba. Two years after signing the Treaty of Hudaybiya (a ten year cease fire called a Hudna), in 630AD, Muhammad ‘s army took over Mecca and destroyed the idols in the Ka’aba, including that of Allah but keeping the latter without its image, as God of Islam.

Ramadan, as in Haj, was adopted by Muslims from the Arab tribes who had practiced it for centuries during the 9th month New Moon (or the Moon God).

The“Treaty of Hudybiya” (most important agreement in Islamic history) is a ten year cease fire called Hudna. No muslim leader has the authority to go over Muhammad’s head to make genuine peace with non-muslims. Only a Hudna can be entered into and that for no longer than 10 years. The purpose, following Muhammad’s example, is not to achieve a sincere end to hostilities but to deceive the enemy with the promise of peace in order to gain time and advantage to eventually conquer the unsuspecting “peace partner”. This was always Yasser Arafat’s intent in his peace negotiation with Israel.

A basic tenet of Islam is that Israel and all the Jews must be destroyed. The teaching of Islam must change before peace can be achieved in the Middle East. Quran Surah 5:51 “O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends.” Muhammad’s dying words were,”May Allah curse the Christians and Jews.”

There is a saying “If Arabs/Muslims put down their weapons today, that would be the end of the Arab/Israel wars. If Israel put down her weapons, that would be the end of Israel.”


Reading a book entitled "Tokyo Hostess" - true stories of Western girls who work as Tokyo nightclub hostesses.... (including one high-profile case of murder of an ex British Airways stewardess in 2000).

It gives me a glimpse into the Japanese "Water-Trade" which includes the Geishas (top of the pack, with no sex) to Gaijins (bar hostesses) to all kinds of sexual entertainments ...lowerest in the hierachy, being the Baishuns (prostitutes) abundantly available in the Kabuki-cho district in Shinjuku Tokyo. Besides learning a few Japanese terms, I also confirm my belief that Japanese are sex-crazed people with some innovative ways of satisfying themselves, including "ejaculation business" outlets.

"Honban " - intercourse with vaginal penetration is illegal if money is paid for such an act.... anything else is not illegal...anal, blowjob, handjob, you name it.

"Yobai " is literally "night creeping"....where the female partner pretending to be fondling herself trying to get an orgasm but moans in frustration... and then put an"eye mask" to fall "asleep" and then .... the male customer would creep into the room and bed and making love to a "sleeping" beauty!

There is even a special category for aged elderly men who are no longer capable of physical sex.... they would pay for a naked woman put into deep unconsciousness ... so that the oldie can feel free (and not feeling the shame of their age) to indulge in unlimited dramas and memories of their younger days.....

I hope this sharing does not get some of us excited for nothing!! Cheers! " Mizuwari " (whisky water)!


A recent front cover of The Economist features this attached Map of the Poor State of Union of USA... changing all the names of the States to reflect on their current debt status.

In New Zealand the Government is borrowing $14b in 2011 in order to keep the economy going... which works out to be about $300m a week!

Here in Auckland SuperCity, the debt is in the region of $4 billion and growing.. The current credit rating is probably still "A" and so Auckland is still called Auckland. If the credit rating goes down to "D" it will probably be renamed Duckland? I don't want to imagine when the credit rating goes down to "F"......

We will then be called Fucklanders!!!