Thursday, May 26, 2011

Most Peaceful Countries

The Global Peace Index 2011 lists the top 3 most peaceful countries as Iceland, New Zealand and Japan.

These 3 countries dominated the global media with their natural calamities the last 2 years...

Iceland's volcanic eruptions in 2010 (Eyjafjallajokull) and 2011 (Grimsovtn) had sent ashes all over the sky to cripple air travel..

New Zealand's Christchurch earthquakes in 2010 September (7.1 magnitude) and in 2011 February (6.3 magnitude) are still impacting on the country's economic recovery...

Japan's 8.9 magnitude earthquake in Scendai, followed by the tsunami have the world worried about the continuing saga of radioactive contamination caused by destruction to the Fukushima nuclear facilities....

Obviously, the Almighty up there, is not in agreement with the Global Peace Index?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Buckingham Palace State Dinner

Over 170 guests and dignitaries joined President Obama and the American First Lady to a State banquet, 24th May, 2001, hosted by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II of England.

The special relationship between these two English speaking countries (representing a combined population of over 351m), has a new adjective, Essential, as emphasised by President Obama.

What is odd to me, is the menu and dinner were prepared by the French Chef. And the English-speaking crowd had to guess what is contained in the menu, as it is printed in French!!

The menu, printed in French on dainty white cards, included sole, Windsor lamb with basil, green bean panache and Charlotte a la Vanille for dessert. Wines include Chablis Grand Cru Les Clos 2004 and Royal Vintage Port from 1963.

Apparently the English food will not do for an essential dinner like this one and the English language is inadequate to describe the items prepared by the French chef.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Obama and Osama

2nd May 2011, from the White House, President Obama proudly announced, "Tonight I can report to the American people and to the world: The United States has conducted an operation to kill Osama bin Laden, leader of Al Qaeda..."

So it is now confirmed that whilst Arnold Schwarzeneggar was the Terminator in Hollywood; Barack Obama is the Terminator in real life.

The Presidential wannabe (or just for publicity?), billionaire Donald Trump had repeatedly asked Obama to reveal his Birth Certificate.... which has since been released...... next Trump is going to demand from Obama the release of Osama's death certificate (just to confirm that the Number 1 terrorist is actually dead)... the world shall wait.