Monday, April 5, 2010

FAQ Christianity

This Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) by intellectuals, as answered by Henry F Schaefer (Professor in computational chemistry, U of Georgia) attracted my attention:

Q: Why are there many hypocrites in the church?

A: Yes, there are people in the church who do not live a life as they profess. God hates such pretense as much as you do. But in businesses, social clubs and other religions all have their hypocrites as well.Christainity stands or falls on the life of Jesus Christ and not on the performance of His followers.Anything in life that is genuine will inspire counterfeits.Don't miss out knowing Jesus because of someone else's failure.

Some reactions from my sharing with my golfing group:

GOD also can hate? I thought he loves everyone including his enemy? For if he can harbour hatred, he is no difference from you and me.

And if he hate hypocrites, then he hates everyone of us. For we are all hypocrites to some degree. Anyone who think he is not hypocrite at all, or has never been a hypocrite all his live. PLS stand up and be counted!!!

I think your response to the FAQ answer is fairly universal amongst imperfect mortals like us. In fact your challenge to stand up is exactly what Jesus asked the crowd when the teachers of the law and Pharisees were putting a woman caught in adultery on trial.
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" (John 8:7)

The need to correct our human failings and to repent is in-built in our conscience... it is up to individuals to work on it, I guess.

Since I started the sharing, let me try to close it by saying that As a simple man I would never attempt to fully understand God;I am sure He does not expect me, being a mere mortal, to be able to explain to others all His actions or "in-actions".

I believe we can make our prayer requests (and not demands) and accept His answers,which could be YES, NO or NOT YET.I believe He is a faithful and a just God.God is not all love and smiling at us all the times... He punishes if we rebel against Him.I will need to try to do my part to live an obedient life.... but admittedly falling and getting lost along the paths of life..

In John 8:11 when all the crowd dispersed without anyone throwing a stone at the adulterous woman, Jesus declared, "Then neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin." This is one example of God not ignoring or condone her sin, but ready to forgive the sinner.

Don't let human's failures prevent you from knowing Jesus.

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