Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Collapsing USA Empire?

Perhaps for a change, I am sharing something "heavy" from my recent readings.... (check my figures if there are wrong).

Some of us have seen the liquidation of the British Empire since 1945. For me, Bolehland's Merdeka was a personal experience (for good or for worse?) and Hong Kong was the last colony to be handed over (with reluctance) to China in 1997.

Are we now witnessing yet another collapse of another Empire, another imperial power?

The present day USA Empire, based mainly on its military dominance and military imperialism, is going bankrupt, with over US$13 trillion in debt. Its annual trade deficit is over $1 trillion.

USA is today the biggest debtor in the world but yet trying to maintain its influence by engaging in wars and military expansion (and imposing its system of government and economic institutions) and hoping to be able to sustain its domestic economy by creating jobs in military supplies, research and innovation.

USA military budget is in the region of $630 billion annually, or more than 50% of the world's total (China's annual budget is in the region of $65 billion).

USA is still maintaining over 761 military bases in over 40 foreign countries deploying over 190,000 troops and personnel in over 46 countries. In Japan alone, the US military support personnel numbers over 99,000 (I guess the bulk of Japan's military budget of $42 billion goes to support these bases in Okinawa). Within US, there are over 4800 military bases and facilities.

USA still has a stockpile of over 9900 deliverable atomic and hydrogen bombs (at its peak of stockpile in 1976, there were 32,500!)

USA is currently the world's biggest supplier of military weapons and munitions (and there are suckers who continue to buy from them - Taiwan is one example).

President Obama in his 2009 speech to the National Defence University in Washington DC reiterated, "Now make no mistake, this nation will maintain our military dominance. We will have the strongest armed forces in the history of the world."

USA, the world policeman? Or USA, the world tyranny (bully) who is hopelessly holding on to its past glories and influence??

I have nothing against Obama or the US but as an observer, I simply want to say in layman's term: when you are poor, you cannot "talk cock" for too long!!

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