Saturday, November 21, 2009

Black & White Country

New Zealand it is.

All Blacks - National Rugby Team
Small Blacks - Junior Rugby Team
Black Ferns - National Women RugbyTeam
Black Caps - National Cricket Team
Black Sticks - National Hockey Team
Tall Blacks - National Basketball Team
All Whites - National Soccer Team

Now they are considering Black Cocks as the official team for the National Badminton Team.
Soon enough, the Small Black Sticks will also emerge....

So it is not surprising when one of the Maori MPs Hone Harawira's angry response to an email to a fellow Maori, he wrote "...those White motherf***ks have been raping the country....", he probably just expressing the national sentiments of using simple colour adjectives of either black or white. Hues and cries broke out in this "black & white" country.

Hone also claimed that he is also a Pakeha (White European), probably because of his white ancestors.... in that case he was just stating a fact!

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