Wednesday, December 2, 2009

US Big Brother Wars

President Obama yesterday ordered the deployment of another 30,000 troops into Afghanistan, with the aim to put an end to the 8-year old war (todate) with an exit strategy by July 2011.

History is being made or being repeated???

Any parallel in these two wars?

Vietnam War Afghanistan War

Domino Theory Treat to Free World Al Queda
Communism Ideology Terrorism
Viet Cong Enemy in Hiding Taliban
Underground tunnels Terrains Mountainous caves
North & South Vietnam Border lines Afghan- Pakistan
Ho Chi Minh Trail Supplyline ?????????????
1964 - 1975 Period 2002 - ??????
Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon Commanders-in Chief Bush, Obama....
58,000 killed, 153,000 wounded US Casualities ???? still counting
75m litres of Agent Orange New WMD ?????????????

Withdrawal and defeated Outcome ?????????????

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