Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Land of Opportunists?

The land of opportunities really. It is a place where dreams come through. They call it the American Dream.
What is The American Dream?
It is freedom for every individual to be creative and to achieve his ultimate potentials and goals.
A black African-American can accend to the highest office in the land as the President, testifies to the fact that that Dream is possible. Many other talents in entertainment and sports have also achieved their goals in the highest level. Goals in terms of wealth, fame and power!
Some have gone all the way to attain this status of being rich and famous by hooks or by crooks, bending every rule along the way.
The list of convicted white-collared crimes in recent years include the once rich and powerful people like
Ken Lay, Jeffrey Skilling, Andrew Fastow, Michael Kopper of Enron; Scott Sullivan and Bernard Ebbers of WorldCom; Bernard Madoff of Madoff Ponzi Scheme; Dennis Kozlowski of Tyco; Gary Winnick of Global Crossing and Joseph Beradino of Arthur Anderson.
Personal integrity and moral values have been overtaken by greed and temptations.
The saving grace is that at least the US Justice Department has promptly put those in fraud and public breach of trust, to justice.
In another land of "Yes We Can" or popularly known as "Bolehland", you hardly can get a list of convicted prominent rich and famous who are involved in gross criminal breach of trust. No corruption there? No corrupt persuaders? No Justice Department?
"Americans only learn from catastrohies and not from experience" (Teddy Roosevelt) and in the case of Bolehland, "Rakyat senang lupa" (Dr M).

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