Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cats and Dogs

Some of you keep dogs; some keep cats..... I keep neither.. Do you agree with some of these statements (extracted from the book "Why dogs are better than cats" by Bradley Trevor, 2009). I guess to the Hakkas in China, both are equally delicious and "yu phoo" !

For those going to China tour soon... watch out... there are no stray cats or dogs in the Muishien Province!!

Cats want to be the centre of your world; dogs just want to share your world
Cats are the gift that keep grifting; dogs give and give and give
Cats test your patience; dogs teach you patience
Cats demonstrate the questionable virtues of cowardly survivalism; dogs show you true courage Cats ain't going nowhere for nobody; dogs follow you to the edge of the earth
Cats rescue nobody..they get rescued; dogs look out for you.. always be there for those in need Cats are cheap to feed and they do not require lots of space; dogs are more expensive to feed and they need space, your time and energy
Cats want fish; dogs want love
Cats are sociopaths; dogs are sociable
Cats are breeding machines; dogs lifespan is usually less than 12 years
Cats do their own thing around people; dogs participate with people
Cats would not acknowledge you when you return from work; dogs wait for you and explode with joy Cats train their owner; you train your dogs
Cats have a keen sense of their own needs; dogs have a remarkable understanding of your needs Cats are destructive housemates with bad breath; dogs are members of the family
Cats see you as a source of warmth and food; dogs see you as a parent, partner, best friend and soulmate
Cats quite like observing the drama of domestic conflict from a safe vantage point; dogs are gifted judges of characters, they know who to trust and take an immediate dislike to shifty unpleasant people
Finally, Cats think they are Gods; dogs think they are human.

They say there are no bad dogs....only bad owners!!

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