Friday, April 22, 2011

How The END Begins

This book by Ron Rosebaum (2011) is intriguing ... sharing with you some of my takeaways and my own input on this subject of the "road to a nuclear World War III". You must read this book if you want to know how much is the author's and how much is mine (talking like a military strategist now).

I think the Bible's book on Revelation and Armageddon is quite likely to happen during my lifetime...

There are over 25,000 nuclear warheads, missiles and bombs in the world stockpile and a dozen countries keeping them either in the silos; or in the mobile submarines or flying around on a regular basis to avoid being hit on the runway by a surprise attack... accidents can also happen!

A nuclear war in the 21st Century, most probably from a regional conflict, accelerated rapidly into a global involvement as there are many "kepohs" and "big brothers" around..

The potential flashpoints:

1. Pakistan's "Islamic Bomb" strike on Israel - a failed government in Pakistan, probably infiltrated by the terrorist groups of Taliban and Al Qaeda.
2. Iran's strike on Israel - either long distance launch in 5-10 years or just lobbed from either Syria, Lebonon or Gaza/West Bank. This would be considered the "Second Holocaust" on the 6-7 million Jews.
3. Israel preemptive strike against Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Lebonon and Gaza - these Islamic fundamentals of Ayatollahs, Hezbollah, Fatah and Hamas have sworn to annihilate Israel from the map. And Israel with such a narrow strip of land, has been described as a "One Bomb State" .... probably one or two mega-size nuclear bombs will be enough to render it into an uninhibitable land of dead and dying. And that is why Israel has to make the preemptive strike if it were to survive.
4. Pakistan and India quarrel over Kashmir - or fundamental Muslims against Hindus... 1 billion people dead followed by another 1 billion due to world wide crop failure, as the ash and particulates from the explosions would dim the sunlight for photosynthesis.
5. North Korea attacks South Korea - famine and hungry people in the North can become desperate for attention and assistance by making a strike on their own brothers and sisters.
6. Taiwan declares independence - Chinese Communist Party in saving face and to ensure they are in power, will cane the naive Democratic Progressive Party members... then the Yankee Big brother will come in as they must also save face by doing what they had promised to uphold their principles.
7. Al Qaeda and Taliban launch attack on the West or Israel - revenge and suicidal martydom will get them virgins in heaven.
8. USA Commander in Chief (the ultimate authority) may make an insane authorisation to launch attack on anyone he fancies - this is not unlikely as in the case of Nixon during the height of the Watergate crisis, did mention that "I could leave this room and in 25 minutes, 70 million people would be dead." The US "fail-safe" system of authorisation of a nuclear attack may be inadequate or full-proof and with the trigger-happy Americans (like the 2011 shooting in Tuscon Arizona and 2009 mass shooting in the Ford Hood Army camp), the sub commanders in the various nuclear submarines or aircraft carriers may just take things into their own hands, in trying to make their own foreign policy known?

Once the nuclear genie is unleased, there may be no part of the globe that remains immune.... probably with the exception of New Zealand, being at the end of the earth? But then life would be less meaningful if this is the only country in the world with 33 million sheeps; 10 million cattles and probably 4.3 million people (10% of which still on social welfare benefits)?

Something to chew over this Easter weekend??

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