Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tired Longevity

"Forever young, I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever?
Forever or never...." (song by Alphaville)

Imagine if one is graced by God to live until 65, 75, 85 or 95? The average life span has gone up in many countries and it is probable that if one lives a healthy life style, one may have another 20-ddd years after retirement, to breathe the oxygen on this earth. And if one is a "tired" human being, the 20-odd years would be miserable years.... frightening is it not?

On the other hand, if one happens to be officially pronounced by the doctor of an imminent death sentence, to be executed within 1-2 years - due to some terminal illness like cancer .... what would then be the life planning process to optimise the remaining days?

Both scenarios require a different planning. Should not we have Plan A and Plan B etc?
We cannot be like the words of this Beatles' song: "He is a real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans, for nobody.."

Some of the considerations of a "Bucket list" (order of priority will depend on each individual) may include the following:

1. Sustainence of financial capabilities (without having to burden the next generations) to support a frugal yet comfortable life style.
2. Staying healthy physically and mentally, doing something enjoyable and with passion....for example, targetting for a Hole-In-One in golf and aiming for more thereafter.
3. Stop living in the past and move forward, giving yourself a chance to meet new acquaintances and new experiences each new day.
4. Not to be ashamed of your Faith and Belief. At all times, try to shine your light and live a life of testimony to others.
5. Live to love others; avoiding anger at all times.
6. Live near enough to all your loved ones ... to be a part of your granchildren's formative and growing years...but your base will depend on many factors.... one option is to remain a migratory "snowbird" (travel to the tropics during winter months in the Southern Hemisphere?).
7. Pursue a challenging goal in academia; in creative skills; in a totally new field?

The list can go on..... worth spending time putting thoughts into words; words into plans and plans into actions....

"If tomorrow never comes, will she know how much I loved her?
Did I try in every way to show her every day...." (song by Grath Brookes)

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