Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Revelation 1: 13-16 基督的荣耀

A succint summary of the Glory of Christianity based on Chapter 1 of this last book in the Bible, as presented by this pastor from Singapore, who is in his 80s and partially blind:


麦希真 牧师 @ 27/5/10 Auckland Baptist Tabernacle Church

启示录 1:13-16

好像人子 (Like a son of man) = 神子
身穿长衣 (dressed in a robe) = 真贵
胸束全带 (a golden sash round his waist) = 荣耀
头发雪白 (head and hair were white as wool, as white as snow) = 圣洁
眼目如火 (eyes were like blazing fire) = 智慧
双脚如铜 (feet were like bronze) = 审判有公正
声音如水 (voice was like sound of rushing waters) = 命令能力
手拿七星 (in his right hand he held seven stars) = 管理教会
口出利剑 (out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword) = 最高判断
面如烈日 (his face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance) = 公义永恒

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