Thursday, September 9, 2010

Coffee News

It is simply a one-sheet A3 newsletter. It is free. It is weekly. It is easy reading yet informative. It is a joy and something to look forward to by many.

As a distributor of Coffee News since March 2010, the weekly routines have brought back some work satisfaction in terms of planning, execution and monitoring. It comes with some pocket money and it is sometimes hard work, particularly when the weather is challenging. However, the rewards are worth it, in seeing happy faces of those who receive it directly from me (in the so-called Business run delivery to all business outlets). The genuine "thank you"s from many recipients (Asians are typically not appreciative verbally though) would often make my day.

Display outlets are mainly confined to cafes, restaurants, retirement homes and sport complexes etc. The runs have taken me to many places I would normally would not have explored. The customer profiles in the various outlets are variable too and so are the receptiveness of such a light-reading newsletter. Weekly runs also give a sense of economic activities in and around the suburbs.... some outlets are thriving while some struggling and with some turnover of ownership along the way. Cafe business is very much weather-determined.... dry and sunny days, the coffee machines would be busy brewing away...

A cheerful deliverer often is rewarded with non-monetary appreciative gestures... that, would be sufficient motivation in themselves. It is also a chance to meet people without being intimidated and it is at my own choice and will. Wearing out my shoes faster than usual but that means the body has got some desirable exercises every week.

Run while I still can.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Er Jiu,

    I can identify with the joy of exploring new places and being able to interact with different people and getting a sense of how things are going around the neighbourhood. I'm quite curious about what kind of news are in the paper. Maybe you make a long distance delivery to Singapore/KL when you come back! :)

