Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ketuanan Melayu or Malay Supremacy

Malay Supremacy?
Since the debate started many years ago, I still have not got the true meaning of such a claim.
Would people who are behind this claim feel proud and dignified over such a claim?
How do you measure supremacy of a race? Excellence in human achievements, intelligence and innovativeness; social behaviour, socio-economical achievements, academia and cultural influences etc.?
Or is it merely based on the capacity to hold on to political dominance, from the protection of the Constitution and by not protecting the rights of the other races as stipulated in the same Constitution particularly in the area of equal opportunities for education and public employment?
Is this a Supremacy through suppression or arrongantly holding on to the crutches?
How would this status of supremacy rank in the global communities and economies?
The "White Supremacy" (the last blantant suppression of the majority in terms of Apartheid in South Africa) has disappeared.
How long will this Malay Supremacy last?

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