Monday, September 20, 2010

The Pope and The Queen

It is not out of disrespect that I ask myself these questions:
Why is that the two words that are often associated with the Pope in media reports always have been "controversies" and "security"?
Isn't he a holy man of God, with an earthly title of the highest order representing the Roman (Catholic) Church globally?
Why is that there are thousands who rush to greet him, as if they are worshipping him instead of worshipping the God he represents? Why is his security a major issue? Specially designed bullet proof motorcade guided by bodyguards?
The attention and honour given to this Catholic church leader far over-exceed the humble entry of our Lord Jesus into Jerusalem over 2000 years ago. What a difference.
The Pope, now without the political and secular authority of those glorious Roman Empire days and the Queen of England, too now hanging on to the title of the Head of the British Commonwealth (a loose organisation of ex British colonies), seem to be rather irrelevant in their roles in the 21st Century.
This entry is inspired by the recent visit by the Pope to Scotland and England. They both must be quite expensive to up keep for the followers.....

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