Friday, June 10, 2011

The Gates

Three of them. The Gates that have changed the world over the last few decades.
Watergate, Bill Gates and Robert Gates.

The Watergate political scandal which happened in 1972 led to the only resignation of the President of the USA. Richard Nixon, the 37th President was forced to resigned on 9th Septem67ber, 1974 for his direct involvement in the Watergate break-in of the Democratic Party's Headquarters.

Bill Gates is famous for Microsoft and his global viral infuence with IT tecchnology which has placed Windows in almost every office and household all over the world.

Robert Gates, the current Secretary of Defence of USA has been involved in the military and secret intelligence almost his entire career since 1967. His roles have shaped the world by engaging in the various wars and human conflicts. With his pending retirement later part of 2011, hopefully the world will be a more peaceful place.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Most Peaceful Countries

The Global Peace Index 2011 lists the top 3 most peaceful countries as Iceland, New Zealand and Japan.

These 3 countries dominated the global media with their natural calamities the last 2 years...

Iceland's volcanic eruptions in 2010 (Eyjafjallajokull) and 2011 (Grimsovtn) had sent ashes all over the sky to cripple air travel..

New Zealand's Christchurch earthquakes in 2010 September (7.1 magnitude) and in 2011 February (6.3 magnitude) are still impacting on the country's economic recovery...

Japan's 8.9 magnitude earthquake in Scendai, followed by the tsunami have the world worried about the continuing saga of radioactive contamination caused by destruction to the Fukushima nuclear facilities....

Obviously, the Almighty up there, is not in agreement with the Global Peace Index?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Buckingham Palace State Dinner

Over 170 guests and dignitaries joined President Obama and the American First Lady to a State banquet, 24th May, 2001, hosted by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II of England.

The special relationship between these two English speaking countries (representing a combined population of over 351m), has a new adjective, Essential, as emphasised by President Obama.

What is odd to me, is the menu and dinner were prepared by the French Chef. And the English-speaking crowd had to guess what is contained in the menu, as it is printed in French!!

The menu, printed in French on dainty white cards, included sole, Windsor lamb with basil, green bean panache and Charlotte a la Vanille for dessert. Wines include Chablis Grand Cru Les Clos 2004 and Royal Vintage Port from 1963.

Apparently the English food will not do for an essential dinner like this one and the English language is inadequate to describe the items prepared by the French chef.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Obama and Osama

2nd May 2011, from the White House, President Obama proudly announced, "Tonight I can report to the American people and to the world: The United States has conducted an operation to kill Osama bin Laden, leader of Al Qaeda..."

So it is now confirmed that whilst Arnold Schwarzeneggar was the Terminator in Hollywood; Barack Obama is the Terminator in real life.

The Presidential wannabe (or just for publicity?), billionaire Donald Trump had repeatedly asked Obama to reveal his Birth Certificate.... which has since been released...... next Trump is going to demand from Obama the release of Osama's death certificate (just to confirm that the Number 1 terrorist is actually dead)... the world shall wait.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Mana Party?

For a quick moment, this is sounding like Bolehland. Mana Party? Where is the Party?
It is Elections year in Kiwiland and new parties are emerging...This is an interim party name to be set up by Hone Harawira, the ex Maori party MP from Te Tai Tokerau (most northern electrorate in the North Island).
Hone Harawira broke rank with his Maori Party over the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 which replaces the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004.He was left with no choice but to resign from the Maori party.
Hone Harawira is now famous for this email exposure as recorded in the Wikipedia: "Following his return from Europe, in November 2009, Hawawira was asked to repay some travel costs after skipping a taxpayer-funded conference in Brussels to go sightseeing in Paris.
"How many times in my lifetime am I going to get to Europe? So I thought, 'F*** it, I'm off. I'm off to Paris'," he said.
In a subsequent email exchange with a member of the New Zealand public who had criticised Mr Harawira's actions Mr Harawira lashed out at white people, stating "White motherf***ers have been raping our lands and ripping us off for centuries and all of a sudden you want me to play along with their puritanical bullshit....And, quite frankly, I don't give a shit what you or anyone else thinks about it. OK?".

Mana Party may eventually adopt a new name: Honi Party?

Career Ending Question

In 1973, a US Major Harold I Hering, during a Minuteman Missile Crewman Training asked this question, "How can I know that an order I receive to launch any missile came from a sane President?"

He was duly discharged and became a truck driver.

But his "killer question" has led to many debates on the adequacies of the current authorization procedures of the USA re launching of any nuclear weapon, by the Commander-in-Chief (who is required to make that critical decision within 15 minutes?).

If one of the pioneers of Nuclear weapons and the Cold War has this uncertainty on the "fail-safe"system, how about the other owners of nuclear weapons like Russia, China, UK, India and Pakistan etc. Have they got a better system?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Enigmatic Box of Euphrates

The secret raid and successful Israel's attack on the Syria's nuclear installation in al Bikar, on 6 September, 2007 was never reported in the world's media. The Syria's secret site for nuclear development shapes like a box and hence the nicknamed "Enigmatic Box".

Why the silence from both Syria and Israel?

On the part of Syria, it would only confirm that they were carrying out unsanctioned nuclear programme (apparently supported by the North Koreans).In the case of Israel, there is no point publicising it if there is no acknowledgment from the targeted country. This was just as well, and had averted a potential regional conflict in which the Syria would be forced to retaliate (if the news breaks) probably joined by the allied Islamic states like Iran, Pakistan would have rendered their chemical or nuclear weapons to teach Israel a lesson. And inevitably Israel to counter the "existential threat" from its neighbours, would fight back and that could lead to a global involvement.

The US ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) in April 2008 was made available in the public domain, in which the Israel's attack on Syria's Enigmatic Box was detailed.

Why made public now?

This is to pressure the International Communities to look at Iran's current nuclear programme seriously enough, to prevent a similar preemptive strike by Israel on Iran. This time around, the attack will not be kept secret as there has been so much publicity of Iran's plan to enrich their nucler capability. Any sudden silencing of this will be difficult to explain to the Iranians and politically an untenable situation for the Iranian regime. That will be mutual retaliation from both the Arab world and Israel and its allies.

This revelation is in itself a preemptive move to prevent the unthinkable.

"History teaches us that over-reaction is preferable to under-reaction" - Shimon Peres (2009) former PM of Israel.

Friday, April 22, 2011

How The END Begins

This book by Ron Rosebaum (2011) is intriguing ... sharing with you some of my takeaways and my own input on this subject of the "road to a nuclear World War III". You must read this book if you want to know how much is the author's and how much is mine (talking like a military strategist now).

I think the Bible's book on Revelation and Armageddon is quite likely to happen during my lifetime...

There are over 25,000 nuclear warheads, missiles and bombs in the world stockpile and a dozen countries keeping them either in the silos; or in the mobile submarines or flying around on a regular basis to avoid being hit on the runway by a surprise attack... accidents can also happen!

A nuclear war in the 21st Century, most probably from a regional conflict, accelerated rapidly into a global involvement as there are many "kepohs" and "big brothers" around..

The potential flashpoints:

1. Pakistan's "Islamic Bomb" strike on Israel - a failed government in Pakistan, probably infiltrated by the terrorist groups of Taliban and Al Qaeda.
2. Iran's strike on Israel - either long distance launch in 5-10 years or just lobbed from either Syria, Lebonon or Gaza/West Bank. This would be considered the "Second Holocaust" on the 6-7 million Jews.
3. Israel preemptive strike against Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Lebonon and Gaza - these Islamic fundamentals of Ayatollahs, Hezbollah, Fatah and Hamas have sworn to annihilate Israel from the map. And Israel with such a narrow strip of land, has been described as a "One Bomb State" .... probably one or two mega-size nuclear bombs will be enough to render it into an uninhibitable land of dead and dying. And that is why Israel has to make the preemptive strike if it were to survive.
4. Pakistan and India quarrel over Kashmir - or fundamental Muslims against Hindus... 1 billion people dead followed by another 1 billion due to world wide crop failure, as the ash and particulates from the explosions would dim the sunlight for photosynthesis.
5. North Korea attacks South Korea - famine and hungry people in the North can become desperate for attention and assistance by making a strike on their own brothers and sisters.
6. Taiwan declares independence - Chinese Communist Party in saving face and to ensure they are in power, will cane the naive Democratic Progressive Party members... then the Yankee Big brother will come in as they must also save face by doing what they had promised to uphold their principles.
7. Al Qaeda and Taliban launch attack on the West or Israel - revenge and suicidal martydom will get them virgins in heaven.
8. USA Commander in Chief (the ultimate authority) may make an insane authorisation to launch attack on anyone he fancies - this is not unlikely as in the case of Nixon during the height of the Watergate crisis, did mention that "I could leave this room and in 25 minutes, 70 million people would be dead." The US "fail-safe" system of authorisation of a nuclear attack may be inadequate or full-proof and with the trigger-happy Americans (like the 2011 shooting in Tuscon Arizona and 2009 mass shooting in the Ford Hood Army camp), the sub commanders in the various nuclear submarines or aircraft carriers may just take things into their own hands, in trying to make their own foreign policy known?

Once the nuclear genie is unleased, there may be no part of the globe that remains immune.... probably with the exception of New Zealand, being at the end of the earth? But then life would be less meaningful if this is the only country in the world with 33 million sheeps; 10 million cattles and probably 4.3 million people (10% of which still on social welfare benefits)?

Something to chew over this Easter weekend??

Commonwealth Joke

Ahead of the coming UK Royal Weddng, the British Parliament has started the constitutional debate on the issue of succession to the throne by the first-born son, ahead of any older sister -- the ancient rule of male primogeniture.

The joke is that for any of this rule to be changed, all the 16 Commonwealth Heads of State (including Bolehland and Zimbawee?) must first agreed !!! Suddenly the moribund Commonwealth Club members have become so relevent and powerful as to decide on the fate of the future Kings or Queens of England!!

For most of them, including Australia and NZ, I guess, the response could be "Who cares!"

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The (almost) Unfinished Dinner

It was so close, so close ..
My son would have felt so bad, so bad ….
As he nearly watched (live) his dad being smashed into pieces

Time: About 7.25pm , just after sunset
Date : 1 April 2011
Place : Summerland Drive (just in front of house no 74)

Prior to that, just started dinner in 2 Somerton Rise
Home cooked stewed beef in carrot and “oil vegetable”
Son and granddaughter dropped by asking for a lift home… icecream for grandson melting in the car

Granddaughter’s “bye Y Kung” could have been the last parting words
Grandson did not have the chance to say goodbye
Wife should have finished her dinner, watching her Chinese drama on TV when news broke

Waited for a good one minute for traffic to clear
Switched on the back screen wiper .. a slight drizzle
Readying to make a U turn at Summerland Drive

All seemed clear
No more headlights from the rear mirror
Split second one last look .. there was a 4WD pickup speeding down without headlight

That split second last glance at the rear mirror
Has averted the loud bang, directly at the driver’s side
At more than 55 km/hr, life would have ended instantly..

What have I left unfinished
Would be the book “Have a little Faith” – a true story by Mitch Albom
And my wife’s home cooked dinner..

3 Phases of fatherhood

Some of you have experienced this; some are going through it ...

Disapproval of the pre-teen children .... they are checked and they comply

Argument with the teen children .... both parties clash and crashed

Disagreement with the adult children .... you are crushed and crumpled...... and you feel old.

Cats and Dogs

Some of you keep dogs; some keep cats..... I keep neither.. Do you agree with some of these statements (extracted from the book "Why dogs are better than cats" by Bradley Trevor, 2009). I guess to the Hakkas in China, both are equally delicious and "yu phoo" !

For those going to China tour soon... watch out... there are no stray cats or dogs in the Muishien Province!!

Cats want to be the centre of your world; dogs just want to share your world
Cats are the gift that keep grifting; dogs give and give and give
Cats test your patience; dogs teach you patience
Cats demonstrate the questionable virtues of cowardly survivalism; dogs show you true courage Cats ain't going nowhere for nobody; dogs follow you to the edge of the earth
Cats rescue nobody..they get rescued; dogs look out for you.. always be there for those in need Cats are cheap to feed and they do not require lots of space; dogs are more expensive to feed and they need space, your time and energy
Cats want fish; dogs want love
Cats are sociopaths; dogs are sociable
Cats are breeding machines; dogs lifespan is usually less than 12 years
Cats do their own thing around people; dogs participate with people
Cats would not acknowledge you when you return from work; dogs wait for you and explode with joy Cats train their owner; you train your dogs
Cats have a keen sense of their own needs; dogs have a remarkable understanding of your needs Cats are destructive housemates with bad breath; dogs are members of the family
Cats see you as a source of warmth and food; dogs see you as a parent, partner, best friend and soulmate
Cats quite like observing the drama of domestic conflict from a safe vantage point; dogs are gifted judges of characters, they know who to trust and take an immediate dislike to shifty unpleasant people
Finally, Cats think they are Gods; dogs think they are human.

They say there are no bad dogs....only bad owners!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Islam and Middle Age peace?

Read this book entitled "Judgement Day" by Dave Hunt (2006)and this is what I gathered....

Islam establishes itself on the principle of “Might makes Right”.

Islam means “submission” even though it is by force. "Islam is a religion of peace. And if you refuse to admit that, I will kill you to prove it!"

Ka’aba was an idol temple filled with some 360 images representing the various tribal deities. Allah (Al-ilah, literally the chief God) is the chief of the idols in the Ka’aba. Muhammad fled Mecca for Yathrib (now Medina) or the journey now known as hijrah as he faced opposition to his “revelations’ and had very few followers. He later regained power in Medina and 8 years later, returned in triumph as the conqueror o f Mecca.

The Haj was not initiated by Prophet Muhammad but it had been the ancient pagan ritual of annual pilgrimage to the idols-filled Ka’aba. Two years after signing the Treaty of Hudaybiya (a ten year cease fire called a Hudna), in 630AD, Muhammad ‘s army took over Mecca and destroyed the idols in the Ka’aba, including that of Allah but keeping the latter without its image, as God of Islam.

Ramadan, as in Haj, was adopted by Muslims from the Arab tribes who had practiced it for centuries during the 9th month New Moon (or the Moon God).

The“Treaty of Hudybiya” (most important agreement in Islamic history) is a ten year cease fire called Hudna. No muslim leader has the authority to go over Muhammad’s head to make genuine peace with non-muslims. Only a Hudna can be entered into and that for no longer than 10 years. The purpose, following Muhammad’s example, is not to achieve a sincere end to hostilities but to deceive the enemy with the promise of peace in order to gain time and advantage to eventually conquer the unsuspecting “peace partner”. This was always Yasser Arafat’s intent in his peace negotiation with Israel.

A basic tenet of Islam is that Israel and all the Jews must be destroyed. The teaching of Islam must change before peace can be achieved in the Middle East. Quran Surah 5:51 “O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends.” Muhammad’s dying words were,”May Allah curse the Christians and Jews.”

There is a saying “If Arabs/Muslims put down their weapons today, that would be the end of the Arab/Israel wars. If Israel put down her weapons, that would be the end of Israel.”


Reading a book entitled "Tokyo Hostess" - true stories of Western girls who work as Tokyo nightclub hostesses.... (including one high-profile case of murder of an ex British Airways stewardess in 2000).

It gives me a glimpse into the Japanese "Water-Trade" which includes the Geishas (top of the pack, with no sex) to Gaijins (bar hostesses) to all kinds of sexual entertainments ...lowerest in the hierachy, being the Baishuns (prostitutes) abundantly available in the Kabuki-cho district in Shinjuku Tokyo. Besides learning a few Japanese terms, I also confirm my belief that Japanese are sex-crazed people with some innovative ways of satisfying themselves, including "ejaculation business" outlets.

"Honban " - intercourse with vaginal penetration is illegal if money is paid for such an act.... anything else is not illegal...anal, blowjob, handjob, you name it.

"Yobai " is literally "night creeping"....where the female partner pretending to be fondling herself trying to get an orgasm but moans in frustration... and then put an"eye mask" to fall "asleep" and then .... the male customer would creep into the room and bed and making love to a "sleeping" beauty!

There is even a special category for aged elderly men who are no longer capable of physical sex.... they would pay for a naked woman put into deep unconsciousness ... so that the oldie can feel free (and not feeling the shame of their age) to indulge in unlimited dramas and memories of their younger days.....

I hope this sharing does not get some of us excited for nothing!! Cheers! " Mizuwari " (whisky water)!


A recent front cover of The Economist features this attached Map of the Poor State of Union of USA... changing all the names of the States to reflect on their current debt status.

In New Zealand the Government is borrowing $14b in 2011 in order to keep the economy going... which works out to be about $300m a week!

Here in Auckland SuperCity, the debt is in the region of $4 billion and growing.. The current credit rating is probably still "A" and so Auckland is still called Auckland. If the credit rating goes down to "D" it will probably be renamed Duckland? I don't want to imagine when the credit rating goes down to "F"......

We will then be called Fucklanders!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Chinese Commonwealth?

As the British Commonwealth (of 54 nations) is getting increasing irrelevent over the years (India's disastrous organising of the 2010 Commonwealth Games, did not help), the emergence of the Chinese Commonwealth is imminent.

The rise of the Chinese in economic and military terms would also help to enhance the economic strength of the overseas Chinese, although at the moment, there is a already a disproportionate dominance of the economy by the overseas Chinese, particularly in the ASEAN countries.

The world is full of Chinese and people of the Chinese origin. There is an estimate of over 40 million Chinese living overseas as a result of the global diaspora, in all continents of the world. Adding this figure to those in the Mainland China and Taiwan, there are about 1.41 b Chinese on earth. The sun used to never set on the British Empire but today the sun truly does not set on the Chinese people!!

China is not known to have expansionist policy of invading other nations nor it is its intention for the future (it has enough land and people to manage) but it will definitely like to have strong influence amongst countries within its backyard... particularly ASEAN countries which together have over 27.5m of the 40m overseas Chinese population. There are about 820K Chinese in Australia and New Zealand..... and you can expect more in years to come, some probably come from the estimated 7m Chinese from Malaysia.

So what does a Chinese Commonwealth mean to the overseas Chinese?

There are pros and cons... and one of the cons would be envy from local populace in the various countries where Chinese people strive... which could lead to resentments against the Chinese populations (we have seen many of these revolts and brutality against the Chinese in Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines and Malaysia)... The Chinese are typically quite loud and showy when they are doing well.... maybe it is a lesson not too late for the learning.... stay humble and low key??

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Talk Cork

When was the last time you enjoyed the moment of cork-pulling??

Being in NZ, I have not used my corkscrew for a long long time. Most of the wines here (and in Australia?) are now fitted with metal screws - very user-friendly.

If you are still sticking to cork pulling... you must be buying mainly the European wines; perceived more expensive wines; you are the traditional romantic kind and chances are you are not a volume drinker!

But if you are a cork lover, you might as well know some of the facts: Portugal and Spain combined supplied over 85% of the global natural cork from their cork oak barks. Be warned, up to 10% of the wines with the natural cork can be off flavour due to cork taint as the cork is susceptible to bacteria and molds. Cork is useful in those cases where the red wines need maturing..

In NZ and Australia, people can't wait for such maturation... they drink faster than the wines can even reach puberty!

And since we are talking corks, you might as well know that there are three types of wine corks - the standard one piece cork made from a single piece of bark; the agglomerate cork made up of tiny pieces of cork bound together by glue (and it is shorter) and then the Champagne cork with mushroom shape (bigger head for better grip .... a bit like what God has given to you down there!).

It is time to go beyond the cork ... time to drink the fermented grape juice!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Who would read a 323-page thick book entitled "Coffee", if he is not an agronomist, a planter or an academic??

I am none of the above no more. I am only a coffee drinker but this book by Anthony Wild gave me a few surprises on the dark history of the coffee development and its trade.

I shall share with you only those that interest me and some in my own words....

Coffee is the world's most valuable trading commodity after oil.
It is also a perfect example of "Unfair Trade" in this world where the coffee farmers are struggling to survive and the capitalist institutions based on the same commodity flourish. The coffee trade is an inheritance of the colonial system, produced by poor tropical countries and consumed by rich temperate ones...Today the USA is the top consumer of this brew.

Vietnam has now emerged as the World's No 2 top producer of coffee (after Brazil), having come up from their 42nd position in the 1980s. As a result, the trade is blaming Vietnam's large production for the depressed price of this commodity. An excuse? Typical of the masters, they have criticised Vietnam's variety of Robusta as coarse flavoured, low quality (as compared to Arabica) and yet many manufacturers must have used plenty of this Robusta in their blends!! On top of that they are saying that because of the 72 million litres of Agent Orange (2,4,5T herbicide) sprayed during the Vietnam war, the coffee could still be contaiminated with dioxin?!

This reminds me in the 70s when Malaysia was the top 4 producers of cocoa in the world and the trade circle or circus was complaining that the Malaysia cacao was too acidic and therefore of lower quality!. To the Masters, semua tak kena! Just finding excuses to suppress the prices at the farm/country level.

The World Bank has estimated that over 500 million people globally are directly or indirectly involved in the coffee trade. I would say this is an underestimation, particularly with the mushrooming of the Starbucks outlets globally and all the Kopitiams in Bolehland!

The key reason why Starbucks (they project their outlets as the "third place" between home and office) and the other kopitams are doing such good business, is that it is difficult and costly to make good expresso at home.

By the way, "Instant Coffee" is not real coffee... it is a "convenient, sometimes pleasant, caffeinated coffee-style hot beverage." Sounds painful for many (like me) who have to stick to Instants!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Collapsing USA Empire?

Perhaps for a change, I am sharing something "heavy" from my recent readings.... (check my figures if there are wrong).

Some of us have seen the liquidation of the British Empire since 1945. For me, Bolehland's Merdeka was a personal experience (for good or for worse?) and Hong Kong was the last colony to be handed over (with reluctance) to China in 1997.

Are we now witnessing yet another collapse of another Empire, another imperial power?

The present day USA Empire, based mainly on its military dominance and military imperialism, is going bankrupt, with over US$13 trillion in debt. Its annual trade deficit is over $1 trillion.

USA is today the biggest debtor in the world but yet trying to maintain its influence by engaging in wars and military expansion (and imposing its system of government and economic institutions) and hoping to be able to sustain its domestic economy by creating jobs in military supplies, research and innovation.

USA military budget is in the region of $630 billion annually, or more than 50% of the world's total (China's annual budget is in the region of $65 billion).

USA is still maintaining over 761 military bases in over 40 foreign countries deploying over 190,000 troops and personnel in over 46 countries. In Japan alone, the US military support personnel numbers over 99,000 (I guess the bulk of Japan's military budget of $42 billion goes to support these bases in Okinawa). Within US, there are over 4800 military bases and facilities.

USA still has a stockpile of over 9900 deliverable atomic and hydrogen bombs (at its peak of stockpile in 1976, there were 32,500!)

USA is currently the world's biggest supplier of military weapons and munitions (and there are suckers who continue to buy from them - Taiwan is one example).

President Obama in his 2009 speech to the National Defence University in Washington DC reiterated, "Now make no mistake, this nation will maintain our military dominance. We will have the strongest armed forces in the history of the world."

USA, the world policeman? Or USA, the world tyranny (bully) who is hopelessly holding on to its past glories and influence??

I have nothing against Obama or the US but as an observer, I simply want to say in layman's term: when you are poor, you cannot "talk cock" for too long!!