Saturday, August 22, 2009

What kind of a man is this?

They call you "The Heavenly King". You may have more than 100 films and 300 mini series to your name; huge fan base all over the world.... ya I heard about you (the Media play a big role in your promotion and for their own pockets too) and it is good for you to have achieved all that.
You are just another entertainer to me.
I only get interested to know what kind of a man you are only when this old man Zhu, died in Malaysia. Rumours (again from your hero-worshipping and profiteering Media) have it that you have this 24 years relationship with Mr Zhu's daughter and you have a daughter too, in this relationship...
If these rumours are true...
Is this a mistaken relationship? Something you have regretted? Something you are not proud enough to reveal? A burden to your career? Is this the way to "protect" your career and your fan base? Is this a passport for you to continue as a bachelor so that you can "fool around" in your kind of industry? What kind of a legacy you are leaving behind for your daughter? What kind of lesson you are imparting on the young fans of your? Role model? What kind of girl would stick with you as an "underground" spouse? Where is basic human respect and dignity?
You can only answer these questions yourself.... don't let the press answer for you. Rule out or own up as a man (龙 的 传 人??)
Until then, my response to all the "song and dance" about all your talents and successes ....SO WHAT?

(notice, I have avoided even mentioning your name).

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