Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Empty Garden

.... I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden
Along with the sunshine, there is gonna be a little rain sometimes..
..When you take you got to give
So live and let live and let go....
- few lines from the 1970 hit, Rose Garden by Lynn Anderson.

Recently my dear friend shared with me, the song Empty Garden (by Elton John) and I quote a few lines here..
..He must have been a gardener that cared a lot
Who weeded out the tears and grew a good crop
Its funny how one insect can damage so much grain..

These led me to write something about this book I read yesterday... Mind Garden by Christina Chia, a lawyer turned writer, founder of the Dr Napolean Hills Foundation Malaysia.

My takeaway: Our Conscious mind can rationalise, analyse and think whilst our Subconscious mind is just like a reservoir, not being able to differentiate right or wrong. Subconscious mind is quite similar in all human beings where all the positive emotions (like faith, love and enthusiasm) and negative emotions (like fear, greed and anger) are stored, principally deposited there by the Conscious mind.

If the Conscious mind is the Gardener, then the Subconscious mind is the Garden. The Garden will grow and reproduce what the Gardener sows in it. Good seeds will produce good crops; good thoughts will result in good emotions and habits..
We are governed by the Law of Cosmic Habitforce.. we are ruled by habits which are fastened upon us when thoughts and experiences are repeated. Thoughts and characters are one.
Our Garden may be full of weeds and all the negative emotions and that will be translated into our daily living reality....

Or like what the song says, we could be that one insect (from our Conscious mind) to have damaged all the good crops in our Subconscious mind.
Again, nobody promised us a Rose Garden... but with a little bit of rain along with the sunshine, we could start to sow and cultivate good crops in our Garden.
A Gardener plants flowers to last for days; trees to last for years and ideas for eternity. Makes sense?

Two quotes to end this sharing:

"Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude will determine how you are going to live your life." - Joel Osteen, Senior pastor Lakewood Church, Houston USA.

"There are two ways you can live... as if nothing is a miracle or of everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein (1897-1955)

Time to check my own garden - empty garden or rose garden or garden full of weeds?

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