Sunday, August 23, 2009

Want kind of name is this?

You may have tried checking the dictionary for this word "illement". No such word?
My "learned, scholarly, gentlemen friend" (as described by King David), introduced me to this word "Recueillement" which, according to Wikipedia, is a French word for Introversion.
In the English language, it pertains to a genre of contemporary poetry.

My learned friend, whose wide reading and linguistic skills befit the original word , recueillement .... had used "Recue" as his blog title. I thought it would be a good idea to use the other end of this word.... which would rightly reflect on my linguistic skills which lie between "ailment and illness".
But I can only improve if I keep writing....... and at the same time, not wasting away my typing skills (with all 10 fingers, self-taught Pitman) with a speed of 39 words per minute.

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