Thursday, December 17, 2009

Of Happiness and Of the Past

I like the definition of happiness by Dr Gordon Livington:

Happiness is to have something to do; someone to love and something to look forward to.

Memory is often not an accurate transcription of past experiences. Rather it is a story we tell ourselves of the past, full of distortions, wishful thinking and unfulfilled dreams... all from our perspective, selectively.

The past is often like an endless entertaining, if frequently painful, movie being played over and over. It contains all the explanations, all the misery, all the drama that went into making what we are today. Coming to terms with our past is inevitably a process of forgiveness, of letting go, the simplest and most difficult of human endevours. It is simultaneously an act of will and of surrender.

Something to think about seriously as one grows old and still remains relevent.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A US Army Deserter's Tale

Read this book on the story of an ordinary soldier who walked away from the war in Iraq, after being posted there for 7 months. During his 2-week leave back in the US, he went AWOL (absence without leave) and became a fugitive in his own country, until several months later, he managed to escape to Canada where he is now awaiting court order for a full asylum.

In his military training, prioties are set as Army First, God Second and Family Third (unlike Tiger Woods' Family First, Golf Second???). One of the army's chants is this: " One shot, One kill, One Arab, One Asian".
The Iraqi and Muslims are not considered as civilians or people... they are snad niggers, ragheads, habbis, hajjis and terrorists.

According to Joshua Key,US Army Private First Class, the indiscrimatory house raids of the Iraqi homes with C4 and the men, women and children being hit and zipcuffed and killed (and severed heads being kicked around too) by frustrated US soldiers, have made the US army a terrorist group in Iraq.

Other published stories about the US Army atrocities and tortures employed in Abu Ghraib detention centre and Guantanamo Bay Prison in Cuba, testify to this on-the ground account of terrorist acts by a great military power in the world. No wonder the Muslims hate the USA and want to kill their citizens at any opportunity!! If the Commander in Chief is from Slovia or Slovenia, he will be brought to the International court for trial as a war criminal.... but Bush is from the United State of America.....this is an economic power which currently determines the world order!!

This is a story about a family man and a patriot in his mid-20s, who joined the Army believing unquestionably in his government's commitment to integrity and justice. But what he experienced and saw in his 7-month duties in various places in Iraq in 2003, he was transformed into someone who could no longer serve his country.

Learnt two Iraqi phrases from this book which are often used by the American soldiers away from the comfort of their homes and military camps back home....
"Sofeeni deeaytcha" and "Sofeeni goose goose".

President Obama, the Nobel Prize for Peace winner 2009, is sending in more troops into Afghanistan to undo all the wrongs initiated by the Bush Adminstration. Is he really?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Transgressions in Golf

Golf is a social game, usually a flight of 4 players and yet a very individual game - you and the course. In a friendly, you may compare scores with your playmates and that is a side competition or challenge (for a beer or for veterans, $2). It is precisely because of this 'challenge', each player would tend to focus and better his game and game plans, for personal satisfaction.
Of course, there are times, when a tournament is organised, the whole field would be competing for honours to win the top prizes.... not those $ million for the professionals. Still, it is the desire to win would spur each player to excel.
Being amateurs, we frumble, we make silly mistakes, we often tell ourselves, "if only".....
Golf is also a gentleman game and a game of integrity... and in a social, amateur setting, where there is no live TV crew to film your shots, it is even more important for individuals to be honest, alert and in compliance with the 'Golf Etiquettes", so that all would enjoy the rounds.
From my 2 years of experience in NZ golfing, because the system here allows you to fix your playmates, you are in familiar company and therefore it requires self-discipline and self regulation. My friend Muthu is recognised to be a very strict disciplinarian on rules. I respect him for that reputation.
However, sometimes, the human weaknesses of greed and "innocent" cheat come to play.
The occasional mistake in counting the number of strokes taken or played, would be excusable but if this is a 'deliberate' mistake, then it would make the person marking your scores, a very stressful job.
Other etiquettes not practised ....... standing in the line of putting; not taking turn to hold the flags if you are near to the pin or if your ball is marked nearest to the pin; not completing the hole by holing out or if it is putter length, it must be strictly putter length and not based on your own measure of "give me"; not taking time off to look for playing mates' stray balls from tee box to the green; "sudden appearance" of lost ball in the rough/fairway; not respecting the honour or the turn to tee off ; non-stop chatting whilst others are teeing off ...etc.
My friend Mak Kor would say,"Golf is a selfish game."
It is true but it is also a fair game where players are graded, from time to time, based on their play and score history, using the handicap system.
Again, the handicap system is sometimes manipulated by some... to mask the actually capability during non-competition rounds, so that a higher than actual handicap would enhance the chance of scoring high in a competition round.
In golf, you also see the true characters of your play mates. Sadly, over time, you tend to give more and more discounts to the integrity of some. Gradually, you may not enjoy spending the 4-5 hours hitting the ball with such company....

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

US Big Brother Wars

President Obama yesterday ordered the deployment of another 30,000 troops into Afghanistan, with the aim to put an end to the 8-year old war (todate) with an exit strategy by July 2011.

History is being made or being repeated???

Any parallel in these two wars?

Vietnam War Afghanistan War

Domino Theory Treat to Free World Al Queda
Communism Ideology Terrorism
Viet Cong Enemy in Hiding Taliban
Underground tunnels Terrains Mountainous caves
North & South Vietnam Border lines Afghan- Pakistan
Ho Chi Minh Trail Supplyline ?????????????
1964 - 1975 Period 2002 - ??????
Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon Commanders-in Chief Bush, Obama....
58,000 killed, 153,000 wounded US Casualities ???? still counting
75m litres of Agent Orange New WMD ?????????????

Withdrawal and defeated Outcome ?????????????

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Black & White Country

New Zealand it is.

All Blacks - National Rugby Team
Small Blacks - Junior Rugby Team
Black Ferns - National Women RugbyTeam
Black Caps - National Cricket Team
Black Sticks - National Hockey Team
Tall Blacks - National Basketball Team
All Whites - National Soccer Team

Now they are considering Black Cocks as the official team for the National Badminton Team.
Soon enough, the Small Black Sticks will also emerge....

So it is not surprising when one of the Maori MPs Hone Harawira's angry response to an email to a fellow Maori, he wrote "...those White motherf***ks have been raping the country....", he probably just expressing the national sentiments of using simple colour adjectives of either black or white. Hues and cries broke out in this "black & white" country.

Hone also claimed that he is also a Pakeha (White European), probably because of his white ancestors.... in that case he was just stating a fact!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Powderful Power

In politics, sometimes there appears an unofficial powerful figure behind the official power:-

In China: Jiang Qing
In Philippines: Imelda
In Taiwan: Wu Shu-Chen
In Bolehland: Rosmah

History sometimes also repeats itself....

Sunday, November 15, 2009


The Catholic Church of Malaysia has been challenging the Malaysian Government and the relevent authorities on the ban of the use of "Allah" by non Muslims, particularly in the official translation of Bible in the local language.

Abdullah Zin, the de factor Minister for Islamic Affairs was quoted as saying " The Cabinet is of the view that "Allah" refers to the Muslim God and can only be used by Muslims who comprise 60% of the Malaysian's population."

I don't understand why in Indonesia, the most populous Muslim country in the world today, the Government there has not claimed exclusitivity of "Allah" as the Muslim God.

I don't know the actual technical or scientific or theological arguments of the Malaysian Government. Maybe someone out there may want to give me an education on this? Is there an International Tribunal to rule on this matter?

But I can only guess the political motive.

Perhaps, administratively, the Malaysian Government has an option to win the court case by quickly making a Trademark registration of the word "Allah" with the Registrar of TradeMark. It will probably fit into Class 45 of the Trade mark Act: " Personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals; security services for the protection of property and individuals."

My God would not mind what name I call him as long as He knows that I believe in His son, Christ Jesus... who was, who is and who is to come.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Abigail Present Guess List 2009

When contacted on a long distant call, Abigail, 5 years old going 6, was asked to guess what birthday present that her maternal grandparents would bring her from Bolehland. She was asked to list them down..... and she did... on a 3'x1' paper cardboard.

This was presented by her few days later..

And she wrote:

I am gesen whot is my presint from y por and y gon

fon gosis

halle Ritty
Littwist Pet Shop
Masc flag
Begmrom dekarashihs
carren pikcs
Pand Ber
Loyn flag
Pillow shet

She went through her list and knew exactly what she was guessing. By the time she can read this blog, she would probably unable to recall the actual items on her "wish list".

She actually got a pink school bag loaded with some goodies, like chocolates and other stuff, including a key chain (which she liked most of all). With much love from Y Kung and Y Poh.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I Have A Date With Spring

A real treat for me last night at Pentas 1, KLPac (Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre), Sentul West. The 145-minutes were worth every cent and every applause on this well-staged production by Dama Orchestra. Superbly presented and for me, it was nostalgia from beginning to end.
I would have liked to have them sing more songs; more of the classic oldies but then there was a story to tell....

I could relate to all the Mandarin and English numbers but the Cantonese oldies were just "new" tunes to me.... all the same, sweet music to my ears.

Synopsis from the programme booklet:
"I HAVE A DATE WITH SPRING is a musical adaptation of the nostalgic and heart warming stage and movie productions, which won the Best Screenplay for Raymond To at the Hong Kong Film Awards. It has also staged to critical acclaims in Hong Kong, Singapore and Shanghai.
Set in the 1960s-1980s, I HAVE A DATE WITH SPRING followed the dreams, hopes, loves, trials and tribulations of four aspiring singers - Butterfly Liu (Tan Soo Suan), Lulu (Janet Lee), Nancy (Fang Chyi Chang) and Feng Ping (CassieWong) - whose lives become increasingly entangled while doing their singing stints at the well-known Lai Fa Palace nightclub. They became the dearest of friends. However, they had to part ways eventually, but planned to meet up for a reunion concert at the club before the building was pull down.
Butterly Liu, who went on to become a celebrated singer, agreed to return to her home again after having been away for many years, to perform at the charity concert. And everyone associated with the Lai Fa Palace did return for the reunion. Many had returned to settle unfinished business while some, like Liu, had to come to terms with the ghosts of their past."

The last show at KLPac is November 1, 2009. It is tempting to go back for another session!!

For me, two particular songs continue to ring and hum.........
Romance By The Xin Hua River (杏花溪之恋) and
Where Do I Go From Here (我找到自己)。

Monday, October 12, 2009

Dream Centre, Section 13 Petaling Jaya

Sunday past, I was invited to attend a Celebration (they don't call it worshipping) at the Damansara Utama Methodist Church in Section 13 PJ. They call their church "The Dream Centre" (TM-registered) - where dreams come alive. It was alive alright, with live band (loud drum) and jumping girls supported by equally energetic choir boys and girls. The auditorium, converted and renovated from the previously Singer Machine warehouse, now can hold a comfortable capacity of 3000 people - fully air-conditioned and the Centre is organised like a business set-up - fully funded by the members!!

It is contemporary, lively (flag waving too) and charismatic alright .... encouraged to pray in tongue, raised hands and "repeat after me" slogans... I must say I was in unfamiliar terrority.

However, the message by visiting Pastor Dr Philip Lyn was appealing. Title: Spiritual warfare: Taking Authority, Speaking Faith.

I shall summarise the 45 minutes sermon by paraphrasing it into 4 sentences:

1. We live in a supernatural world and it is dangerous not to be aware of the ruler of this world - the Satanic forces - which are constantly trying to immobilise us.
2. We may not win the battle with our own strength but God has given us the authority in his Word (with Faith) to fight against Satan's strongholds.
3. Faith (cannot be copied or faked) is the substance (or title deed) promised by God... being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see (Hebrew 11: 1)
4. Faith takes time to be built up - believing in God, hearing (rhema), reading his Word as cerebral knowledge; with meditation, turning them into substance in the heart and speaking it out with authority and confidence (Mark 11:32).

Senior Pastor Dr Daniel Ho reminded the Church not to give up on Bolehland..we as Christians can help to shape this nation into a better place for all.

Friday, October 9, 2009


To the world today, Kamunting is famous for its infamous Kamunting Detention Camp for the ISA (Internal Security Act) detainees. The Kamunting Alumni of several thousand people..includes many present-day prominent figures in Bolehland... like the current Chief Minister of Penang, his father - Mr Opposition Emeritus, the Leader of the Opposition , many Members of Parliament etc. who are devoted to shape and progress the nation through the democratic process. They were once considered as a "threat" to the country by the Government, particularly the Home Ministry.

Politicians should know that nothing is permanent, and if the people are tired of the rhetorics and lies and the old arrogance of those in power, they can be removed at the polls. The 308 General Elections, the so-called Political Tsunami, where several states fell into the hands of the Opposite, should serve as a wake-up call for those who are still walk the corridors of power. It is probably conceivable that the same ISA provisions could one day be "accidentally abused/misused" upon the present crop of executors of the same Act?

Kamunting was once a thriving tin mining district with many dredges - the floating excavators for tin ores. It was one of the biggest army bases during the British rule. In the late 60s and early 70s, Kamunting was the booming industrial town of Perak, during which time the Minister of Commerce, Tan Sri Dr Lim Swee Aun, was the local MP for Larut and Matang District. Sanyo stood out for me as a big global brand in Kamunting then.

During the late 60s and early 70s, being a resident of Kamunting ...these were the memories of a simple living, growing up....

Hair cut by my friend's barber father Mr Lim, in Lorong 2
May 13 school holidays, school examinations cancelled
First dates with girl opposite who often invited me over for The Johnny Cash show on TV2
Occasional swimming sessions at the army camp
Cycling time to school over the Lake View hills
Yoke Choy primary school and All Saints secondary schools were prominent landmarks
Hunting for live frogs to practise dissection for Form Six practical examinations
Self taught typing using the Pitman course book
Earned my first pocket money as a popular maths tuition teacher to sis and her classmates
Friend of mine married an elder sister (who later died of sickness) and later married her younger sister
Finished off many expired canned food
Learning to lead as an Assistant Scout Master
Temporary teacher riding a Yamaha 150cc motorcycle
Dad wept for me
Beating of a future police chief

Ipoh, the present Capital city of Perak, also once a big name in tin production in the world, now can only boast of its famous "Ngah Choy Khai" (Bean sprouts and Steam Chicken) plus the recent State Assembly meeting under a big Yam Yam Tree, Kamunting has this Detention Camp which the local residents are not proud to shout about.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Learn to say it now, me included

Dad's headstone stands out as a unique piece of art in Tambun...
with his own calligraphed words, inscribed at the back .......... it reads "Not asking for tons of Gold but just asking for wise chidren and grandchildren."
Dad passed on in 2004.
Dad knew that I appreciate his calligraphy and should have guessed that I would one day honour his skills for all to see. Perhaps more words of comfort and praise should have been spoken when he was bed-ridden before he was finally called to be with the Lord.
That was my first time delivering an eulogy at dad's funeral. He could not then hear all the nice things said about him (spiritually he could be there listening, but that must be different)... and I dedicated a portion of my eulogy for dad, to compliment mom who, at 80 years old then, was listening..... that "she has been a silent supporter and she is the Shinning Light for the Lord in this house...and dad had experienced the love of God through her, her untiring caregiving and loyalty.." Mom now 85, is being cared by a Vietnamese maid, whom she treats like a dear daughter.
Why we must wait to say all the nice things and compliments only during funerals?
One very popular and well-loved pastor who passed away about 2 years ago, had predicted that there would be many who would like say something during his funeral service.... before he died, his instruction was to allow just a handful of speakers, representing different phases of his life. He cautioned the speakers not to be too long-winded or else some of the audience may prefer to be in the coffin than to remain alive listening..
Should not we learn to say the nice things to another person when she or he is still able to appreciate the compliments? Even if you cannot come up with one single good thing to say... at least come up with something positive, an advice, so that he or she can improve before he or she disappears from the face of this earth.
Morrie Schwartz, the sociology professor (in "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom) who was dying and after attended a funeral of a friend who had died suddenly, decided to organise himself a "living funeral" before he died... so that he could be there to hear all the nice things his relatives and friends had to say about him. He cried and laughed with some of them. It was a rousing success!
In 1997, I organised a sit-in session for all staff , each writing on a sheet of paper, ONE nice thing about each and every colleague in the company. Nothing negative was allowed. This one guy who was never good or in the habit of saying anything good about anyone... managed to scribble "OK" on almost every colleague he has interacted. At the end of the session, I personally typed out all the input on an A4 sheet of "certificate' to each staff on all the "nice and positive" words from the 40-odd colleagues. I am sure there is someone out there still keeping his or her "certificate".
We need to constantly remind ourselves of the need to be generous and energetic with giving praises and compliments or just something positive to the other person. Or suggesting some positive alternatives... using the management term called APB (Alternative Positive Behaviours). If there is nothing good to say, a smile will do. "Better to whiten your teeth (smile) at your friend than to give him milk (even if he is thirsty)" - Jewish saying.
Life may not be worth the living if nobody attends your "living funeral" should you decide to organise one...... your friends may just give excuses as they would have their own priorities to get on with their own living..... as in the Parable of the Great Feast (Luke 14: 15-24).
Just be a mortal praising God and all His creation, including your loved ones.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Have you ever been lonely?

"Have you ever been lonely?" - a popular song since the 1930s.... have you ever been blue?

For most people, the answer must have been a yes... one time or another...

Very often the kind of loneliness is caused mostly by temporal or situational failures in human interaction (like broken relationships, relocation, angers or dissappointments, betrayals etc) and other environmental factors. There are many people out there suffering long-term loneliness as a result of low self-esteem, unwantedness and vulnerability (old age?). Sometimes this can lead to clinical depression and even suicide.

Often these are curable and reversible..

"Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty" - Mother Teresa

Have you come across loneliness which is an inescapable part of a person's entire life, like the case of some low to medium-degree autistics?

Birger Sellin (a German born 1973) is an autistic (non high-degree type) since 2 years old. He, just like most autistics, was boxed-in or trapped in his own cold and dark lonely world, not being able to express or communicate his feelings to the outside "normal", but to them, a "confused" world.

For 17 years, he lived in his own world but could only watch (in silence) what was going on around him and within himself. He just could not do things, normal living required of a person. People around him talk things which are hurting and he suffered constant humiliation of being ignored or misunderstood. His own lapses of weird social behaviours, screaming attacks, fits and his stereotypical actions (weird repetitive actions) often embarrassed himself that made him withdraw himself more and more from the real world.

In 1990, Birger was introduced with the "Facilitated Communication" developed by an Australian, Rosemary Crossley. He started, painfully slowly, to type out his inner feelings onto a computer... and has since published a book entitled "I Don't Want To Be Inside Me Anymore".

In another book (first published in 1995); "In Dark Hours I Find My Way - messages from an autistic mind", his first writings reflected and revolved around his inner loneliness. He described this as "being isolated", "buried alive", "I am drowning in loneliness", " a lonely person is always replacing important experience of poor humanity on this earth by constantly talking nonsense in his lonely mind".

Some of the insights into his dark lonely world are in his own words....

"i could never write so much in the daytime perhaps thats because a lonely person likes night better than day
a lonely person orients himself by light and darkness
he doesnt go by any clock the clock of the lonely is a visible socalled system of lightdarkness"

"whatever happens i want to learn to write properly because
it is the way to independence
first i was very scared then it was a lot of fun
relly i would rather say something important if thats
okay there are things a person like
birger thinks in the loneliness because this world ought to know them
its like being buried alive the loneliness of an autistic is like a great clod of
earth weighing down the soul"

"rustling (running marbles through my fingers) is stereotypical behaviour which is really
intoxicating i am only doing visibly what loneliness does invisibly"

"one anxiety i suffer from most of all is how to survive a day
from the settled viewpoints of a chosen person that must surely seem ridiculous
i for my part protect against icy times of day
by setting up a socalled iron important list of questions
an idiot system as it were running away from anxiety
and yet again i am just irritating everyone including myself
the stupid thing is that understanding it is no help"

"total madness is easier than living boxed up in the mistaken isolation already mentioned i cant
find outhow come i have to live walled in like this
i can think clearly inside my head
and i can feel too
but when i want to put the socalled simplest actions into
breathtaking practice in these surroundings outside the crate i cant do it
restlessness comes over me anxiety and idiotic panic bring me almost to despair"

On his mother, he wrote, "a chosen person like an autistics mother will get her reward some day"

On his dying grandfather, he wrote," yes i want to tell an iron story it is about an iron old man
wise but not very rich he wanted to make nonsense visible by
really making serious invisible words visible and making obvious nonsense invisible
a real grandpa never dies
he goes on living in my heart like before and i will never forget him
he was an important wise person to me
he is calm and relaxed and he worked out the words just the way they ought to be
i love him very much" (13 August, 1991)

My question to you is in this song:

"So how can you tell me you're lonely
And say for you the sun don't shine?
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the
Streets of London
I 'll show you something to make you change your mind.."

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Chinese Empire

Chairman Mao, 2009

2009, Oct 1 China celebrated with pomp and pagentry, the 60th anniversary of Modern China, under communist rule. The massive celebrations, with centre stage in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, were held all across the great nation of 1.3 billion people.

The fireworks (which lasted for more than 30 minutes), the military parade and display of firearms might, the cultural shows , with 300,000 participants and 60 floats, all went well like clock-work and with precision planning and timing. That speaks volume for discipline, dedication, organisation and pride of the most populous nation on earth. They have not only "stood up" since 1949... they have rose above all ..... particularly significance amidst the current economic recession in most of the advanced economies of the world.

When was the beginning of the Chinese Empire?
Mao Tze Tung's declaration of the formation of the People's Republic of China on 1 Oct, 1949?
China's first atomic bomb testing on 16 Oct, 1964? China's first Hygrogen bomb on 14 June, 1967? China's first satellite launch on 24 April, 1970? Deng XiaoPing's reform movement from 1976? China's first manned space flight 15 Oct, 2003?

I would pin it down to 8.08 pm, 8th August, 2008 when President Hu officially opened the Beijing Olympic Games. China announced to the world that she hah put in all the struggles and the people as a whole were ready to lead the world, with the theme song "Beijing Welcomes You" - a Chinese version of Jim Reeves' "Welcome to my world". Part of the lyric says... "With dreams, everyone is a winner.... With courage, there will be miracles.."

At the time when China marched on to become a global economic power, it also marked the beginning of the decline of the present American Empire... experiencing the worst recession since the 1920s depression. The US Federal Reserve has been printing more money to bail out the economy and since the US$ is still the currency used for the oil trade, the global communities are forced to keep the greenback afloat. Particular affected party is China, which currently is the biggest holder of the US Treasury Bonds amounting to about US$800 billion, followed by Japan with US$725 billion. If and when the US recovers from the current shit they are in, China will prosper more and if the US continues to slump... China will be affected short-term but when the world moves away from US$, that will be close to the end of the American Empire.

It is interesting to note the reporting of the Western media on this very special occasion for the awaken giant in the East. The 1.3 billion Chinese in China and the 260 million ethnic Chinese all over the globe would not be discouraged by their attempt to pour "cold water" on this historic event. The western media put in many "buts" in their reports, made with obvious envy and awe. The BBC for example reported... "but the human cost on progress must be very high..." CNN has this to say, "... but China's phenomenal economic growth over the decades has triggered unintended consequences: rising unemployment, growing income gap, endemic corruption, rising criminality, environmental degradation and social malaise.."

China's 5000 years of existence, has not be an invader and unlike other past Empires she has not territorial expansion ambition.... feeding, housing and prospering the life of 1.3b people is in itself a monumental task.

The past empires have collapsed mainly due human factors leading to a situation when the empire was indefensible and unmanageable from external invasion and internal unrest.

The great empires which are now a permanent feature in history:
Roman Empire (44BC - 1453); Ottoman Empire (1299 -1923); German Empire (1871-1922); Russion Empire (1721-1917); USSR (1917-1991) and of course the largest of them all, the British Empire (1583-1977).
The rise and fall of so many great empires in the past should be great lessons for the Chinese rulers of the day... again the elements which can lead to the eventual collapse of the Empire, are even evident now and may become unmanageable when the core group of nation-builders and visionary leaders are gone, replaced by next generations of lost passion and self-interest.

China, being the "Factory of the World" is great for the present time but what makes a nation great is through innovation and invention. Technology advances in sea transportation and supremacy were able to let the British, Dutch, Spanish and Portugese expand their colonialisation during the 15th and 18th centuries. Today, besides being able to stay ahead of competitive food production and basic goods production, speed and efficiency in mass communication is essential.

For the Chinese Communist Party of 75m members , to continue rule the 1.3 billion masses, they need to be relevent and ready to reform to remain the largest single political party in the world. China is big enough to evolve her own style of socialist democracy, at her own phase, without having to be dictated by the inperfect western democracies. And as long as Taiwan is still not an integral part of the Chinese rule, then the Chinese Empire is not complete. Unification of the island state with the Mainland is a matter of time and the PRC Communist Party will eventually call the shot. The longer Taiwan is in the denial state and keeps delaying the process of being part of the Chinese Empire, she will lose out more and more, over time, in her quests for special rights in the final unification.

The sun never used to set on the British Empire..... and today the same sun never sets on the 1.6 billion proud Chinese on this earth (from Mainland China to all corners of the world). The Chinese Empire might just be the last empire on earth before the next coming of the Lord. So let us pray that this empire will be worthy to receive the return of the King of the Universal.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Madoff, the Thief

The 71-year old Bernie Madoff is now serving a 150 years sentence in Butner Prison, North Carolina, USA for admitting to 11 charges of fraud, amounting to more than US$65b. He should be accorded the Title: "The Biggest Thief of the 21st Century."

His Ponzi Scheme, which he started 16 years ago, has attracted thousands of clients, ranging from the rich and famous; foundations; investment fund managers, retirees and ordinary people. Many of those who had invested in his Bernard L Madoff Investment Securities, have got nothing left after the collapse of this evil scheme, bared all by the 2008 economic recession in the USA.
Madoff was finally arrested on the 11th December 2008. He was imprisoned in June 2009.

One wonders what is Madoff thinking about all these victims including his fellow Jew, holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, who had lost everything from his Foundation and personal wealth. What about the two gentlemen, a French investor and a retired British Army Major, both 65 who committed suicide as a direct result of their losses in their investment with Madoff? No sign of remorse at all?

Madoff, prisoner # 61727-054 is scheduled to be released on the 14th November 2139. May God prolong his life until that date so that he would have sufficient time to start feeling sorry for what he had done to other people's lives.

What made Madoff tick? Did he manage to pull all these through by himself or are there hidden hands involved?

From the marketing angle, Madoff had done a brilliant job in creating a perception and a myth of exclusivity to attract his preys. He had so successfully capitalised on the greatest weakness of men - GREED!

Tired Longevity

"Forever young, I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever?
Forever or never...." (song by Alphaville)

Imagine if one is graced by God to live until 65, 75, 85 or 95? The average life span has gone up in many countries and it is probable that if one lives a healthy life style, one may have another 20-ddd years after retirement, to breathe the oxygen on this earth. And if one is a "tired" human being, the 20-odd years would be miserable years.... frightening is it not?

On the other hand, if one happens to be officially pronounced by the doctor of an imminent death sentence, to be executed within 1-2 years - due to some terminal illness like cancer .... what would then be the life planning process to optimise the remaining days?

Both scenarios require a different planning. Should not we have Plan A and Plan B etc?
We cannot be like the words of this Beatles' song: "He is a real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans, for nobody.."

Some of the considerations of a "Bucket list" (order of priority will depend on each individual) may include the following:

1. Sustainence of financial capabilities (without having to burden the next generations) to support a frugal yet comfortable life style.
2. Staying healthy physically and mentally, doing something enjoyable and with passion....for example, targetting for a Hole-In-One in golf and aiming for more thereafter.
3. Stop living in the past and move forward, giving yourself a chance to meet new acquaintances and new experiences each new day.
4. Not to be ashamed of your Faith and Belief. At all times, try to shine your light and live a life of testimony to others.
5. Live to love others; avoiding anger at all times.
6. Live near enough to all your loved ones ... to be a part of your granchildren's formative and growing years...but your base will depend on many factors.... one option is to remain a migratory "snowbird" (travel to the tropics during winter months in the Southern Hemisphere?).
7. Pursue a challenging goal in academia; in creative skills; in a totally new field?

The list can go on..... worth spending time putting thoughts into words; words into plans and plans into actions....

"If tomorrow never comes, will she know how much I loved her?
Did I try in every way to show her every day...." (song by Grath Brookes)

Monday, September 21, 2009

"Tired" people

They are all over the place.... they are not the working people... where do they all come from?

Look at the man at the Pub..
Staring at the crowd outside through the edge of his beer mug; each mug may last an hour
and he would wonder home alone..

Look at the man in the Park..
Watching the pigeons feeding and the birds chirpping away; wandering where their daily ration of food has come from... somehow..

Look at the man in front of the Computer screen..
Trying to communicate and stay in touch with the other "tired" people;
often resulting in being gullible for gossips and recycled jokes..

Look at the man in front of the TV set..
Being constantly fed with typical stereo type images of sufferings and bad news; making him wonder where is God and why has He ever allowed these to happen on a daily basis.

Look at the man in the Nursing home
Gazing at the other inmates with no intention of starting a conversation; listening to the radio playing "Yesterday, when I was young.."

Look at the man in the Dialysis Centre
Painstakingly putting the needles in place; waiting for the long hours of cleansing the system, knowing that the end result is worth the weekly routine..

Look at the man in the Mirror
Realizing that life has passed him by over the years; and it is time to find some meaning in living the sunset years.... perhaps it is time to learn how to RETIRE instead of staying tired.

Canon is dead

Canon Ixus 750 (14/1/2006-29/8/2009)
It came with a 512MB memory card and costing RM2000 in 2006... has captured many fond memories; travelled all over the places and properly abused.
The condition on the 29th August (top picture) was that the lens could not be retracted (sort of died standing or protruding).
Took it to the Canon Service Centre in Saujana to access the cause of the jammed lens and an estimate of getting it back to working order. The girl at the Service Centre was not sympathetic, looking at the over-worked machine. Noticising that there was a small screw (one of the many holding the case together) was missing, she commented that that missing screw alone would cost RM50 .... and checking the scheduled cost of lens repair, she estimated at least RM495 excluding RM100 workmanship and there could be other parts which may require replacing....
I took a closer look at the camera and I too noticed there were at least 6 other small screws still intact and I promptly offered to sell the 6 screws to the Canon Service Centre with a 50% discount. The sweet young thing at the counter was dumbfounded .... and started to ask for my particulars, having to leave the machine for final assessement before commencement of repair. That preliminary assessment would take 5-7 working days ....
I quietly took my dead canon back home and decided to do a 'destructive art' piece... hopefully some collector out there will buy this piece of masterpiece (bottom picture).... if not for all the many many many small screws still embedded in the complicated construction (all made in China). The battery pack (NB-31) will come as a bonus.
I now have a Panosonic Lumix DMC-127 with wide angle lens and 12x zoom, and two pieces of HD memory cards of 4GB each, all in costing RM1550 on Merdeka Day, 2009.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Silent Listener?

Is my God merely a silent listener to every conversation and prayer??
Has my God been consistent in switching off or putting himself on a "mute mode" once a while, since ancient of days? Or is He simply infinitely incomprehensible by men over the thousands of years?

Men have cried out before the arrival of the Saviour....
"I cry out to you, O God but you do not answer; I stand up but you merely look at me" (Job 30:20).
"You have covered yourself with a cloud, so that no prayer can get through" (Lamentations 3:44).

Men are still crying out now...
"'Does God answer prayers?' looms larger and larger as a tormenting question. Does he know or care?" (J O Fraser)
"My prayer seems as dead a rock. The truth is I do not feel much, if anything when I pray" (Henri Noumen)
"I feel that the God I was bringing to my friends was passive and silent... and seemingly unable....
If God wants to speak to me, He knows where I am...
Is the lost sheep to go to the Shepherd or the Shepherd goes to the lost sheep? Despite the lost sheep's MANY attempts...
I do not experience the Holy spirit putting words into my mouth as the Bible claims..." (Mak Kor)

Lately, I have been praying for my brother and his family in YamBee Ipoh that peace, calm and normalcy would return and that he would quickly recover from his condition after returning to his medication.... It is a trying period for mom and all at YamBee... What else can we do except to seek His intervention?

Or do my prayers fall under one of the 15 categories of "Why prayers are not answered" by Pete Greig ("God on Mute")... viz. Stupidity, Contradictory prayers, Relationship, Free Will, Sins, Justice, Perservation, Influence, Faith, Law of Nature, Motive, Doctrine, God's best, Life is tough and Satanic opposition?

" Unanswered prayer poses an especially serious threat to the faith of trusting children" - Philip Yancey.

The country musician, Garth Brooks has a lighter version of God's unanswered prayer to his "dream girl" who eventually did not turn out to be a dream afterall..... he was glad he did not marry her..... and he concluded, "Just because He does not answer, does not mean He does not care. Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers."
I guess it is easier humanly speaking, on hindsight, to make such conclusion .... but when one is in the middle of a crisis.... anxiety and disappointment rule the day..

I can only try to emulate the man in Mark 9:24 "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"

So Happy Malaysian

"I am so happy that I am finally confirmed as a Malaysian citizen," said Leong Chwee Chun (The Sun 17/9/09).

Madam Leong Chwee Chun, aged 64, from Kuala Pilah, was one of the 92 recipients of the Malaysian citizenship in a ceremony held at Putra Jaya yesterday. Madam Leong, still single, first applied for her citizenship when she was 28 years old or about 32 years ago! Her father had lost all the relevent documents during World War II. The Home Minister, who was hugged by her, was beaming from ear to ear, apparently very proud of this presentation ceremony and as if he has made a great achievement or a great favour to all those who had waited between 15-32 years for their citizenship..... there is still a backlog of some 10,000 cases still pending approval by the National Registration Department.

Looking at Madam Leong, I cannot help but offer some reasons why she is "so happy":

1. She is impressed with the National Registration Department for being so thorough and detailed in processing her application which has taken over 32 years.
2. She can now plan to get married and have children of her own who would be happy Malaysian citizens too.
3. She can now begin to contribute to the EPF (Employee Provident Fund).
4. She can now officially join a political party like MCA, so that her vote will count... hopefully .. to keep the Barisan Government in power.
5. She can now invest in the government-sponsored Amanah Saham 1Malaysia.
6. She can now apply for a Malaysian International Passport, to travel overseas and to see the world outside that she has missed the last 64 years...
7. She can now officially apply for emigration to Australia or New Zealand (like so many have done so..)

Why so many of you who have got citizenship since birth do not seem to be so happy? Be thankful lah ok?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Young talented writer

Joshua Meads lives in Auckland, New Zealand. He is 8 years old and attends Summerland Primary School in Henderson.
In a class assignment on Explanation Writing, his article on "Tsunami" was selected for publication in the 28th August 09 edition of the School's Newsletter and earned him a "star" at the Principal's office.

I proudly reproduce his writing..


A tsunami is a massive wave that races from the middle of the ocean to the nearest patch of land. They are so big, they can destroy whole cities. The word 'tsunami' is Japanese.

A tsunami can happen for 3 reasons:
1. A huge hurrican out at seas or in the ocean
2. an underwater earthquake
3. An underwater volcano erupts

The biggest tsunami normally happen when there is an underwater volcanic eruption and an underwater earthquake. When an underwater volcano erupts, the ground underneath it starts to shake. That's when the earthquake starts. The earthquake is so fierce that the sea bed gets a short crack in it. All the water then rushes to fill the gap.

Meanwhile, the volcano starts to shake even harder, then, BANG! it erupts! The force is so hard that it can make a huge wave (A tsunami).

As the water is still filling the gap, at the surface a huge wave is formed. Then, at that very moment, another wave is formed as well and zooms toward the first one, this wave was created by the volcano. Now the wave is about 30 meter tall! It now reces towards the nearest patch of land. When it reaches land, amsller wave hits the beach first. Then, a few minutes later, the tsunami hits, destroying the city and killing thousands of people and livestock.

If you know a tsunami is coming, get to high ground quickly. But remember: nature is peace and disaster.

Joshua calls me "Y Kung". He makes me proud.

Friday, September 11, 2009


I first came to know this word DAMANSARA in 1977 when I joined ICI (Imperial Chemicals Industries) headquartered on the 10th and 11th floors of Wisma Damansara. This 12 storey office building, built in 1970 was the first of its kind to be built in the prestigeous real estate location in KL named Damansara Heights.
The British High Commision occupied the top floor which can only be reached by special dedicated lift from the basement. Today this building is due to be torn down to be incorporated into the proposed modern Damansara City Complex.
Damansara is one of the 36 subdivisions of Petaling Municipality in Selangor. It is named after the Damansara River which runs from Sungai Buluh to Shah Alam. Over the years, Damansara Heights has gained a very strong market branding and perceived high market value, there are so many places now tag on this name to enhance their status and prestige.
Let me try to list them (not in any particular order):
Damansara Utama; Damansara Jaya; Damansara Perdana; Damansara Uptown; Damansara Damai; Damansara Impian; Damansara Idaman; Damansara Legenda; Damansara Kim; Damansara Indah; Damansara Intan; Bandar Sri Damansara; Ara Damansara; Kota Damansara; Mutiara Damansara; Bukit Damansara; Jalan Damansara; Flora Damansara; Taman Bukit Damansara; Villa Damansara; Sunway Damansara; Pelangi Damansara; Lebuh Raya Damansara....
There is however two such places which have disappeared to make way for one of the existing Damansara..... they were the Damansara Village and the Damansara Estate (of rubber and oil palm).
The other name that is catching on is Saujana...
Someone somewhere will come up with the ultimate enhancement by naming something Damansara Saujana or Saujana Damansara!!
What is in a name you say?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Royal Kampung

This 99 years old Club, situated at Bukit Rotan, Kuala Selangor, is a legacy of the colonial masters who ruled the planting industry in Malaysia, up to the 1960s. Since the late 1980s these British and Scotish planters have either fully retired or have retrieved to Indonesia. Today there is practically none of them left in the Oil-palm dominated plantations in the Peninsula.
The logo of the Club carries the images of the three major economic activities of those glorious days - rubber, tin and oil palm.

Malaysia has now lost her world's Number One position in rubber and tin production and although she is still the world leading oil palm producer (with 3m ha plantings) this position will soon be taken over by Indonesia (with 6m ha of plantings, maturing).

Royal Kampung Kuantan Golf Club is unique in itself to be the only 9-hole plantation golf course which is accorded the royal status. Those who know the background to this royal charter would tell you that the close public relations with the Selangor Palace were the determinant factor, much to the dismay of the then District Officer who wanted to rule over the Club's future developments.

The Club house of 2009 has not been tranformed too much from those 1970s days when I first stepped into this Club during my business interactions with the planting communities. It is functional with a meeting/dance hall; a bar with two billiard tables; a Club office; a small pro shop and basic changing rooms for men and ladies.
This grand old tree must be as old as the Club. You can't miss it as you approach the Club entrance or when you are about to tee off as it is standing right at Tee Box 1/10. Many golfing enthusiasts and beginners have started their first golfing experience in this course, where the fairways are relatively flat and lined by matured trees. Unfortunately, many old trees are getting cut down or dying due to old age or disease. No apparent plans to replant new ones?
This golf course management has always been reflection of the high standards of estate management around the vicinity as most planters are members of the club. A poorly maintained and managed Royal golf course will a mirror image of the present day estate management mentality and standards. Lest we lose out to our neigbouring country, the young crops of planters should buck up, and soon.

The first/tenth fairway OB line stretches all the way from the tee box to the Par 4 green. Of course in almost every fairway, there is a lateral drain running across. All greens are elevated and hard. It is therefore a good practice ground for your chipping skills.

Hole no 4/13 Par 3 (199 meter from the blue tee) to me, is the signature hole of Royal Kampung Kuantan Club. On the right is a straight OB line (beyond which you would hit the Oil palms and squirrels) and just left of the green is a pond awaiting you, about 60 metres after the tree on the left. It is a hole which decide if you triumph or you break in any tournament here.

My sincere wish is that the Management will maintain the course for at least another 99 years, both for the golfers and club members but also for the tourists who would pass it when they come visit the "Fireflies" sanctuary at Pekan Kg Kuantan, about 3 km down the road.
For those who must have a good breakfast before teeing off at Royal Kg Kuantan, the attraction is at Ijok village where you can get Curry Tu Kah (weekends only).

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Apa ini?

"The Home Minister today defended and justified last Friday's cow-head demonstration after meeting with the Malay-Muslim representatives of Shah Alam's Section 23 residents at his office" ( 2/9/09).

The Home Minister has turned Defence Minister for Shah Alam Section 23!!!

One dialogue with the residents, the Minister has more or less made a ruling on behalf of the Attorney-General and the Police who are still investigating the more than 50 reports received from the Public about the incident. He was also quoted saying that "the police allowed the demonstration to proceed because the numbers of protesters were small.." I remember reading somewhere that any meeting of more that 3 persons without a police permit is illegal ? And this was allowed to proceed in public, accompanied by a severed cow head too!!

The Opposition of today should thank the Home Minister for this defence, which would be the perfect material for a power-point presentation at the next General Elections rallies. And if and when you then become the Government (in 2013 or earlier), please don't repeat such double standards in your administration and in words/actions.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Historical terms

"GIPA", "Headmaster", "Tuk Tak Tuk Tak Machine", brodifacoum, "PP581", "PP910", "Gramoxone", paraquat, "No Talking Flight", "Made for Bigger Things", PPD, ICI, CCMB, "What do you call", "Ba si cal ly", "Many ways to skin a cat", “Tusker”, "Romancing the Customers", "Cake & Icings", "Taipan Club", "Orchard Club", "Your Trusted Crop Care Parnter", "2G1T", “Qing Mah Loon”, "Every sunset, there is a sunrise", "Mata Gelap", "Tok Guru", " 'I' specialist", "NST", "Better and Surer Than The Rest", "TIMOR", "Assault100A", "Matikus", "Mitac", "Zeneca","Novartis", "Syngenta", "Liberty Square", "Centre Point Langsuan",
"Wisma Damansara", "Wisma Sime Darby", "SAW", "ACBA", "ABA", "Touchdown",
"HO", "P&D Clinic", "MACA", "MCPA", "World Class"...

(first listed in Oct 2007)

Sunset, Sunrise..

"After every sunset, there is gonna be a sunrise."

This used to be my favourite phrase those days to counter those negative people in the so-called "sunset industry" we were in.
Now the sun is slowly but surely going to set on many of my contemporaries... you tend to look back at history with nostalgia, with pride or with regrets...Don't hold onto the past.. you have to let go the past glories or disappointments and move onto the next phase of your well-deserved golden years.
Somehow, there are more songs written and sung about yesterday than tomorrow. The few songs that I know about tomorrow are not too optimistic too like "I don't care if tomorrow never comes" and "If tomorrow never comes". Of course, you will find "Yesterday". "Yesterday once more", "Yesterday when I was young", "Only yesterday" and "Yesterday man" etc.

Surely everyone must have occasionally or frequently, experienced the following feelings, as expressed in this scene in the musical "Oliver":

Who will buy
This wonderful morning?
Such a sky
You never did see

Who will tie
It up in a ribbon
And put it
In a box for me?

Who will buy
This wonderful feeling?
I'm so high
I swear I could fly

Me oh my
I don't want to lose it
So what am I to do
To keep the sky so blue?

Every day is a new day that the Lord has made for you and me. Rejoice and be glad in it. Live it well because today will be yesterday soon. The sun will sure rise again tomorrow, with or without us!

Today is my moment and right now is my story...
I'll laugh, I'll cry and I'll sing..
p/s the sun has set on my digital Ixus750 7.1Megapixels camera I think. It's time to get a new one soon otherwise how to capture the blue skies, sunrises and sunsets?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Forgive them....

For they do not know what they are doing.... forgive them...

I don't believe true Muslim teachings lead you to protest and to deny others of a place to worship their chosen religion in a land where the Law provides for religious freedom. Using a freshly slaughtered cow's head is provocative and potentially can incite riots from the affected section of the population.
If this is not the Islam way, then why did this happen?
If this is a political maneuvering, misusing religion as a tool to achieve the goals and ambitions of some, then we must expose them. Playing with people's feelings and emotions can lead to serious repercussions and tragedies.
Rational thinking people must stay calm and not be manipulated by these acts and react.
A small group of the Section 23 Shah Alam residents used a cow's head to protest in front of the Selangor State Secretariat building yesterday against the proposed hindu temple in their neigbourhood. What will happen if some groups react tomorrow by presenting some dog's head or pig's head or chicken's head or cat's head in other mass demonstrations?
But we must voice out our displeasure and concern. This is not only an issue affecting HINDRAF or the Hindus.... other religious leaders must come out to condemn this. It's imperative that the leaders in power today should stop this unacceptable public showmanship and open challenge to believers of other faiths.
I only can pray....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kalau benar..

IF you have watched the 15M short film entitled "The Son" (released 28/8/09) ...and

IF you have read RPK's A Challenge to The Malaysian Government to Explain This (The Corridors of Power 24/8/09 posting)... and

IF you put these two together.. and

IF the "hidden" negative emotions are universal and widespread ...and

IF the "hidden preparation" by the ruling elite is a serious recognition of the current state of affairs ...and

IF these are in fact, factual... and

IF you have a little bit of imagination and flashing back your memories to 1969........

You should be very worried and scared. I am.

Are we building on our racial diversity or destroying it?


There are broadly 2 categories - To Utter Nonsense & To Utter Nothing.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

After 52 years

Jalur Gemilang

This Bolehland where I was born, bred, educated ..... toil, breed, vote and vote and vote, hope and hope and hope...
The above picture really has many long stories to tell..... and many of us know them first hand.
The big flag belongs to my Haji neighbour while the other one is mine. He is one good neighbour for the last 27 years and we are ONE people living next to each other but when we both turn on our TV sets, probably viewing different channels, we often see and hear different propaganda being drummed into our subconscious minds.
After 52 years, the very small flag, (obviously not flying very high and slightly pushed to the sideline), really reflects the feelings of many of us towards this democratic land . We had enshrined First World ideals into our Constitution, but still struggling with Third world mentality of governance.
In reality, the relative size of the flags also depicts the reality of economic cake distribution and other opportunities between the "protected" species and the "non"s.
Must this and can this go on for the next 52 years? Many of us may not be here.....will the small flag still be standing ?

He ain't heavy, He is my brother

This 1969 hit by The Hollies has been my favourite and it added real meaning to me today when I can sense and feel the gratitude and thankfulness of my brother in burden.
What good of us if we, who are able and capable, do not lend a helping hand or just be there, when help is needed? It has been a long and tiring day, but Lord, it was all worth it.

He is one of the 1% who has to go through with his conditions, and it is beyond his control... deep inside he is such a family man that his whole life revolves around them and his sibblings. In his own way, he has brought joy and delight to his few lonely and desolate friends, by regularly lending his listening ears to them.

He is simple and innocent in his love for his family. It is heartening to see that his daughters are showing appreciation for their dad who has always placed his priorities on their welfare and well being. He gave what he had got.
I pray that he will not be one of those lonely people in the world as Father Mckenzie or Eleanor Rigby who was the title of one of Beatles' songs.

His welfare is my concern... The weight does not weigh me down...
He ain't heavy, he is my brother... always!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Empty Garden

.... I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden
Along with the sunshine, there is gonna be a little rain sometimes..
..When you take you got to give
So live and let live and let go....
- few lines from the 1970 hit, Rose Garden by Lynn Anderson.

Recently my dear friend shared with me, the song Empty Garden (by Elton John) and I quote a few lines here..
..He must have been a gardener that cared a lot
Who weeded out the tears and grew a good crop
Its funny how one insect can damage so much grain..

These led me to write something about this book I read yesterday... Mind Garden by Christina Chia, a lawyer turned writer, founder of the Dr Napolean Hills Foundation Malaysia.

My takeaway: Our Conscious mind can rationalise, analyse and think whilst our Subconscious mind is just like a reservoir, not being able to differentiate right or wrong. Subconscious mind is quite similar in all human beings where all the positive emotions (like faith, love and enthusiasm) and negative emotions (like fear, greed and anger) are stored, principally deposited there by the Conscious mind.

If the Conscious mind is the Gardener, then the Subconscious mind is the Garden. The Garden will grow and reproduce what the Gardener sows in it. Good seeds will produce good crops; good thoughts will result in good emotions and habits..
We are governed by the Law of Cosmic Habitforce.. we are ruled by habits which are fastened upon us when thoughts and experiences are repeated. Thoughts and characters are one.
Our Garden may be full of weeds and all the negative emotions and that will be translated into our daily living reality....

Or like what the song says, we could be that one insect (from our Conscious mind) to have damaged all the good crops in our Subconscious mind.
Again, nobody promised us a Rose Garden... but with a little bit of rain along with the sunshine, we could start to sow and cultivate good crops in our Garden.
A Gardener plants flowers to last for days; trees to last for years and ideas for eternity. Makes sense?

Two quotes to end this sharing:

"Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude will determine how you are going to live your life." - Joel Osteen, Senior pastor Lakewood Church, Houston USA.

"There are two ways you can live... as if nothing is a miracle or of everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein (1897-1955)

Time to check my own garden - empty garden or rose garden or garden full of weeds?

My Park, maintained by DBKL

Newly built rest house at Kiara Park

This is a new facility at Kiara Park, completed about a year ago and still looking elegant and majestic against the green background. You can enjoy your ease, per entry, if you produce RM0.20 cash. If you are a jogger who has a habit of visiting this new establishment whenever you exercise or sweat, make sure you carry this minimum cash with you.
Readers may be impressed with the look from outside but if you were to be near it within a distance of 10m, you will definitely smell it!! There must be a leak in the underground piping system and DBKL has been duly notified surely. Maybe the contractor is being hunted to make good the defects or the "no smell guarantee" period has expired and needing to appoint a new contractor? The stench, to put it mildly, is repulsive and it really spoils the fresh air in this popular park, frequented by many - young and old (mainly oldies).
Let's hope that the problem will be fixed soon, otherwise the permanent residents there (the monkeys) may be even driven away, let alone the visiting 2-legged species.
I treasure this park where I sweat it out daily, before the incentive of the first meal for the day.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Police Report: Dompet

Weekend past, I made a police report of the loss of my Dompet (BM word for Wallet), containing my IC, Driving licence, ATM card, Credit card etc plus some cash. This police station is located in my rich neighbourhood.... rich, because of the fact that within a Par-5 distance from my house, there are 5 commercial banks!!
I must compliment the lady police constable attending to me that Saturday morning... she was friendly and pleasant. I dictated to her my story in fluent G. Semanggol Bahasa and she typed it straight onto her pc and printed out 3 copies, all within 10 minutes. No fuss and no fee.
I guess my fluency in her Mother's tongue did make her very much at ease and thus had some influence on the entire process.
I remember watching a video clip recently of a senior Bolehland Minister rudely refusing to entertain a question asked in English, by a local English newspaper reporter. He snubbed the reporter "Cakap Orang Putih eh??"
Anyway, I only realised the economic value of that Police Report when I went to the bank to apply for a replacement copy of the ATM card and Credit Card. With a copy of the police report, all replacement fees were waived!!
Now I will need to know from my nephew who recently lost his International Passport to a snatch thief, if his police report entitles him to a free replacement of his passport?? I don't seem to recall this waiver when I made my application for replacement of my lost passport in 1993.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Want kind of name is this?

You may have tried checking the dictionary for this word "illement". No such word?
My "learned, scholarly, gentlemen friend" (as described by King David), introduced me to this word "Recueillement" which, according to Wikipedia, is a French word for Introversion.
In the English language, it pertains to a genre of contemporary poetry.

My learned friend, whose wide reading and linguistic skills befit the original word , recueillement .... had used "Recue" as his blog title. I thought it would be a good idea to use the other end of this word.... which would rightly reflect on my linguistic skills which lie between "ailment and illness".
But I can only improve if I keep writing....... and at the same time, not wasting away my typing skills (with all 10 fingers, self-taught Pitman) with a speed of 39 words per minute.

There's life after retirement

Sharing these 2 "profound" quotes about retirement life:

"After brushing teeth in the morning, the day's job is done."

Wife to Husband: "Watcha doin' today?"
Husband to wife: "Nothing."
Wife to Husband: "You did that yesterday"
Husband to wife: "I wasn't finished."

One Spanish proverb sums up what retirement life should be.... "How lovely it is to do nothing at all and then rest afterwards".

I guess "doing nothing" is not just stay idling at the "waiting room" to heaven.
Many retirement books dwell about financial planning but very few deal with the emotional, pyschological aspects of losing the "life's identity" - being out of the job market. We are identified by the work we do, the profession we are in... and the world's views about you are set, and you would be "compartmentalise" into certain typical behaviours ...once you reveal what you do for a living. Once you are not working.... you have turned into a "nothing" in this world?
I came across a preview of this book by Ernie J Zelinski entitled "The Joy of Not Working" (for individuals who absolutely, positively want to retire happy, wild and free). The title itself is actively positive as opposed to many books with title starting "How to retire..."
I think this book has a positive attitude, it is practical and it is fun. Will try to get a copy soon....not seem to be able to find it in the bookstores in Bolehland sofar....

Sheep or Goats?

On Judgement Day, are we going to be on the right with the sheep or on the left with the goats?
That is the question.
Believe without faith is futile; Faith without deeds is useless.
Challenging questions to us include 1) Have we grown older and colder? 2) Are we inward-looking and an injured lot? 3) Have we too often used the 4 most tragic words "I am too busy"?
In joy and in grief, He is always there.
So seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given unto you as well (Matthew 6:33)
An excerpt from RBG "The Word for Today" (July 26, 2009):
"People who cling to resentments, who don't know how to handle disappointment with grace; who have long memories; who choke on the words, "I am sorry" or who sulk and pout and whine, always finish up on the short end of the stick.
Losing well is an art that requires all the grace we can muster. It means having the humility to face reality with no excuses but with the confidence not to allow losing to define our identity or make us feel "less than". It means no excuses, no blaming, no self-pity - but no self condemnation either.
It means having the discernment to know when to quit and when to persevere. It means learning to say "Congratulations". It means letting go of an outcome we cannot change but holding on to the will to live fully and well, and seeking to glorify God in all that we do

Saturday, August 22, 2009

What kind of a man is this?

They call you "The Heavenly King". You may have more than 100 films and 300 mini series to your name; huge fan base all over the world.... ya I heard about you (the Media play a big role in your promotion and for their own pockets too) and it is good for you to have achieved all that.
You are just another entertainer to me.
I only get interested to know what kind of a man you are only when this old man Zhu, died in Malaysia. Rumours (again from your hero-worshipping and profiteering Media) have it that you have this 24 years relationship with Mr Zhu's daughter and you have a daughter too, in this relationship...
If these rumours are true...
Is this a mistaken relationship? Something you have regretted? Something you are not proud enough to reveal? A burden to your career? Is this the way to "protect" your career and your fan base? Is this a passport for you to continue as a bachelor so that you can "fool around" in your kind of industry? What kind of a legacy you are leaving behind for your daughter? What kind of lesson you are imparting on the young fans of your? Role model? What kind of girl would stick with you as an "underground" spouse? Where is basic human respect and dignity?
You can only answer these questions yourself.... don't let the press answer for you. Rule out or own up as a man (龙 的 传 人??)
Until then, my response to all the "song and dance" about all your talents and successes ....SO WHAT?

(notice, I have avoided even mentioning your name).

Friday, August 21, 2009

Premium Pork Shop and Cafe

Was invited by the Ng Family to this official opening of the dedicated premium pork shop cum cafe at SS2 this wet Saturday morning...
Conceptually it is similar to EuroDeli but the big difference I guess is that the pork is from their own ISO22000-certified farm in Mersing Johor....."From Our farm to Your table" using refrigerated truck. The pork products are marketed as Beta Agonist Free; No Drug Residue and hygienically produced and prepared.
Be warned, it is still not halal, ok?
So if you want something premium and peace of mind, you know there is this place in SS2 opposite the traditional pasar pagi where you can still get your roadside stores pork.
Sanbanto : Japanese-sounding shop name..... hopefully not at the First World prices.

Branding Kopi Malaysia

My first encounter with a Kopi Menu which has a market differentiation of the various popular sources of coffee from all over Bolehland... one is apparently missing is the one from Cukai Kemaman. Uncle Lim's brew is quite unique too. My kampung favourite is the Kluang Railway Station brew.

If you have the chance to visit this Cafe in SS2, you will have a chance to look at reading materials about Bolehland, which are not in the main stream media..

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Teoh Beng Hock Inquest

Shah Alam Magistrate Court No.5

"Justice for Beng Hock" is what every right-thinking Malaysian's desire, on this case of tragic death of this witness called to the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) office in Shah Alam.
I was personally encouraged that justice would be done and the truth would be pursued when the Government appointed a private sector criminal lawyer Tan Hock Chuan to assist the Coroner in this inquest. I think my brethren would do his very best not to disappoint us.
At the end of the 10th day session, and after 16 witnesses, particularly the 2 medical forensic experts' "consistent" findings, the conclusion was pointing towards a "Suicide death". This is one
"unpopular verdict", if at all, and there would be theories put forward as to why should a young man in his early 30s, about to get married the next day, would have chosen this way to end his life? Or the populace at large would be forced to accept this case as another mysterious unsolved crime in the country.....
Then came this letter, which was handed over to G Singh, the lawyer who is on a watching brief for Beng Hock, at the end of the 18th August hearing. The Court has the agreement from all the lawyers who had a copy of the letter, not to reveal the content of the letter until the Police is given time to investigate .... and the next session of inquest due next Monday, 24th August.
However, this is Bolehland... and the letter has been posted in the cyberspace.. and it will be voted "The Most-Read Bahasa Malaysia Letter Over The Weekend" in the country of 23 million people plus a few millions concerned citizens overseas. It is 5-page long (typed and unsigned) and purportedly printed on the MACC letterhead, originated in PutraJaya office and authored by a group of MACC officers. A top ranking officer of MACC and a politician were named and could have direct bearing on the inquest proceedings to come...
The shit has hit the fan? The truth is about to be revealed.....??

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

From Char Siew to Teo Chew

The invitation to a treat of the best 'char siew' in town (Seremban favourite) was not to be, as it was closed (Tuesdays rest days).... instead Teo Chew next door was as good, albeit more expensive stuff, topped up with extra oysters too.
This Special occasion was celebrated in advance of 23rd August, and it was not to be broadcasted aloud, ok?
The red wine was left to breathe in individual beer mugs (the smallest glassware in the shop!)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Y E Yang

You are the "Wrong Man" (according to the Western Press) to have won the 91st US PGA Golf Championships, 2009. Why are you such a big spoiler??
Congratulations from all of us whose staple food is rice.... You have won it in champion style and you should go on from here to prove that you are no fluke. Breaking Tiger's record of never losing a big tournament after leading 54 holes, is yet another feat.

Unanswered Prayers?

Ruth Bell Graham (wife of Billy Graham) once said, "God has not always answered my prayers. If he had, I would have married the wrong man several times."
Philip Yancey has something to say about the Unanswered prayers of Jesus himself!
Pastor Jerry Sittser (of Chicago) said "Unanswered prayer is God's gift... it protects us from ourselves. If all our prayers were answered we'd abuse the power.. use prayer to change the world to our liking, and it would become hell on earth. Like spoiled children with too many toys and too much money, we'd grab for more. We'd pray for victory at the expense of others..intoxicated by power..we'd hurt people and exalt ourselves..... Past unanswered prayers which lfet us hurt and disillusioned, act like a refiner's fire to prepare us for future answers."
Dr Dale A Robbins has got 11 reasons on why certain prayers are not answered.
The Third Millennium Ministry has one article on this subject too.